[Fluff] Shy Silence ~ Germany X Reader

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Notes: You are Spain's little sister! The italics are a small bit of backstory.

[Warning: Romano's insults]

(Y/n)'S POV
My eyes fluttered open as I stared at the sky. It was dark and I could see bright specks in the sky. "Hello there little one." I squeaked in fear and turned to the voice, sitting up, my small hands gripping the edge of my white gown. The person slowly knelt down near me. "Who are you?" I asked timidly. "I'm a nation. Like you. Spain is my name." Said Spain. "I'm a nation?" I squeaked. He nodded. "You're new though. What's your name?" Asked Spain, his voice soft and welcoming. "U-uh I don't know? I have no memories?" I said softly. "Oh! Dear me! You are a very new nation. A very very new one. Don't worry, your name will come to you soon. I was like you many years ago. New, fresh and confused." Said Spain. I nodded before shivering. "Are you cold?" Asked Spain softly. I nodded. He took off his large coat and wrapped it around me. "Oof. Heavy." I squeaked. "Thank you." I said quietly. He smiled at me. I squeaked in fear as I saw something sharp glint at his side. "Oh it's just my sword. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Here, you take it if that makes you feel better." As Spain talked, he carefully gave me the sword. I looked at him and he gave a patient smile. Timidly I picked the sword up, the blade dragging on the ground. "It's heavy." I huffed. He chuckled, I used all my strength and lifted the blade up. Unfortunately my balance faltered and I squeaked as I accident swung it down, the blade nicking Spain's hand. He hissed in pain as small cut appeared. "I'm sorry!" I squeaked. He chuckled. "It's fine. Don't worry. See? I'm all healed now." He was right. It wasn't more than a second until the cut was healed and gone like it never was there. I gave him back his sword and he put it back on his belt.

A man, dressed similarly to Spain, called out to Spain in another language. Spain replied in the same language. I think I understood it. Basically the man was calling Spain back to camp. Spain stood up and sighed. "I need to get back to my group now. Goodbye little one. Keep the coat." Said Spain as he soon turned to leave.

"Wait!" I started talking in another language, that I somehow knew, as I stumbled after him. "España! No me dejes! Déjame venir contigo!" He froze up and turned to me surprised. "How are you speaking in my language?" Asked Spain surprised. "Qué? Tu lenguaje?" I asked surprised too. "Yes, that is my native language. Wow. It usually takes a while for a nation to become fluent in another language unless it becomes a native one-" He cut himself off. "You want to come with me?" I nodded at his question. "If it is alright with you. I don't want to be alone." I said softly, the fear of the unknown creeping in. Tears bubbled up soon spilling from my eyes down my rosy cheeks. "No me dejes! No te vayas! Por favor! Estoy asustado!" I cried, running to him, hugging him. He knelt down and hugged me back, trying to sooth me. "Ssh. Don't cry little one. Okay? You can come with me. How about you be my Hermanita?" He said softly. "H-Hermanita?" I croaked. He nodded. I nodded before burying my head in his shirt. He smiled and lifted me up in his arms with ease. "Hermano... I think I know my name now!" I squeaked happily. "You do? What is it?" Said Spain intrigued.


Time Skip
I walked along with Italy and Romano down the street. "I can't wait for you two to meet my friends!" Squealed Italy. Romano grumbled and I smiled timidly. Despite My brother Spain's encouragement and kindness throughout the years since he found me, I was still as timid as I was when he discovered me. "Th-they seem nice people." I said softly. "They are!" Exclaimed Italy happily.

We soon came to a man with blond hair and blue eyes. "Germany! Germany! I have some people I want you to meet!" Exclaimed Italy. "Huh? Well who is it?" Asked the man who I assumed was Germany. "Well first this is my big brother Romano! He represents South Italy while I represent North Italy since our nation was spilt and he had to spend time with big brother Spain!" Said Italy motioning to Romano. "Speaking of which this is our friend Itain who is Spain's little sister!" Italy motioned to me and I waved timidly at the handsome nation. "Say Hello Itain!" Encouraged Italy. I squeaked nervously as I hid behind Romano and looked to Germany. "U-uh... Buen día para usted señor!" I squeaked hastily with my nervousness, reverting to Spanish from my nerves. I covered my mouth and looked down. Crap! Italy giggled before translating for me. "Nice to meet you Itain." Greeted Germany. I nodded politely.

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