[NSFW] Look Down ~ Prussia X Reader

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Notes: Prussia is turned into a girl by England's magic but will keep his original pronouns of he, him, his and himself.

[Warning: Mature Scenes ahead aka Sex. You have been warned.]

(Y/n)'s POV
The bed was creaking.

"Gil- oh shit! Gilbert- Gil stop for a second- oh fuck." I panted. Gilbert panted as he stopped and groaned. "What's wrong?" Asked Gilbert, groaning slightly. "The bed. It's creaking." I said. "It's not that bad-" "Gil it is. I think it might break." I interrupted. He thought for a second.

"Wall?" I blushed. We'd never moved from the bed before because of my usual nervousness. I nodded, feeling eager to finish what we started and try it out. "Behind or front?" I asked. He chuckled. Despite sex being a bed ridden activity, Gilbert loved trying out new positions. "I was thinking trying front first." I blushed. "Fuck. Let's try."

I squealed as my bare back was pressed against the wall with my left leg lifted around his waist while I balanced on my right. I held on to his shoulders as he thrusted. I moaned but the position just wasn't right. I couldn't keep a balance. "I don't know if this works." I moaned. "Turn around?" I nodded. It wasn't long before my front was against the wall. We both groaned, knowing immediately it wasn't working. The height difference.

"Fuck. Let's try my desk." I nodded. The chair was pushed to the side while paper was thrown off, Soon I was bent over the desk, soon knowing it wasn't going to work. "This isn't comfortable." I huffed sexually frustrated. I turned around only to be picked up and sat on the desk. Any sort of hope was diminished when I squeaked in fear as it rocked, wrapping my arms around the albino.

Gilbert cursed under his breath. He backed up slightly with me in his arms to sit on his desk chair, trying to continue on with our heated activities. I blushed but couldn't care less about the position. We both thought that this would be it. A winner. Fuck! So close! He kissed up my neck but in a split second, I froze in fear as the chair rocked backwards slightly. Gilbert growled and stood up with me in his arms.

"Fuck it. I'm fucking you on the damn floor." Gilbert pulled the duvet cover off the bed on to the floor slightly but enough before lying me on duvet cover that lay on the ground being careful but quick. Soon sliding back in me and giving me some of the best sex we've ever had.

Oh my god! Yes! Finally, we didn't need to worry about falling or breaking anything. Finally We could-

My thought was interrupted as I tipped over the edge and saw stars, Gilbert following along with me.



Time Skip
I walked in to the world conference room. I smiled and greeted the nations I passed as I went to my seat. I squeaked in surprise when I felt someone squeeze my butt. My face flushed red from embarrassment as I looked at the culprit. I relaxed a little when I saw the cheeky grin on my boyfriend. I puffed my cheeks. He had just to. Especially the day I'm finally free of love bites to wear a skirt. (Prussia loved to leave love bites everywhere he could get to. And I mean everywhere. Hips, neck, arms, thighs, you name it.) "Prussia." I sighed. "You know you love it." Teased the albino. I stuck my tongue out in a playful manner, only for Gilbert to clearly wink as an innuendo. I sighed amused. "I'm going to go see the boys before the meeting starts. I'll be back soon." Said Gilbert kissing me quickly before running off to see Spain and France, where England and France were currently arguing.

I started sorting out some work before I looked up just as America bumped into England who was holding a wand. The wand was originally pointing at France, only to be knocked slightly and point at Prussia. Whatever spell had been chanted, it hit Gilbert. Before I could even react, Gilbert was suddenly in a puff of smoke. Everyone started freaking out, including England whose spell was meant for France. We all knew England's spells had a weird way of always going wrong.

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