[Fluff] I'm going to be a Vati?! {Part 1/2}~ Prussia X Reader

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Note: Human AU
You're in your final months of college/University. You and Gilbert have been together since High school.
You are fluent in German and Italian (As well as English obviously) but only speak Italian sometimes.
Adoptive sister to the Vargas Brothers.

[Warning: Implied Sex and Mature Language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I panted as I lay on the bed, sweat sticking to my tired body. The bed creaked as my lover collapsed beside me. "Oh Gott. Das war verdammt geil." Muttered the Prussian. I giggled, understanding him completely. "We're gonna break this bed one day with your strength." I joked. He laughed. "I would never let that happen." He retorted. "Have you heard how much it creaks? Gil, this bed is gonna break one day." I said. "The creaks add to the vibe!" Exclaimed Gilbert. "Well... That is true." I confessed. He chuckled. He rolled to his side and hovered over me slightly. I smiled and leaned closer to him. "What's going on in that head of yours Gilbert?" I asked. "Nothing Liebling. Just admiring at how sexy you look absolutely recked." Said Gilbert. I blushed. "Gilbert!" I squealed. He chuckled. "You wanted to know." Said Gilbert nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. And for your information, I am not absolutely recked. You'll have to try harder than that." I teased. His eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah?" He said. I grinned knowing exactly what I was doing. "Oh yeah. I could go on for hours. This is nothing close to recked." I teased. "Oh? Do I have to get out the handcuffs and blindfold, right now?" Said Gilbert. "Do you? Do you need help to reck me?" I teased. He growled. "Don't test me Liebling." Warned Gilbert. I giggled. "Actually..." I started. I pinned the albino down and pulled out his handcuffs from under the pillow before locking them on his wrists against the bed frame. "I think it's the other way around." I said smirking. He stared me in shock before grinning. "Oh what're you gonna do?" Said Gilbert. "I'm gonna make you beg Beilschmidt."

Time Skip
I groaned as I heard someone singing from downstairs. Something Italian. "Who is fucking singing?!" Exclaimed Gilbert tiredly. "It's Feliciano. He wanted make breakfast. I suggest you two make yourselves presentable." Said Ludwig from outside. My eyes flew open at the mention of my brother. "Gilbert get your ass up. Feli is here." I hissed. He groaned and pulled me closer. "Don't wanna." Mumbled Gilbert. "Gilbert!" I hissed. "C'mon. Your brother already knows that we're together and that we bang. Let's get sleep." Muttered Gilbert. "Don't say it like that!" I squealed. He chuckled tiredly. "Okay that's it. No sex for a year." I said. He shot up. "Whaaaat?! Don't do that to me!" Whined Gilbert. "Then get your ass up, out of bed and presentable." I said. He whined before getting up. I snickered. "Little devil." Muttered Gilbert. "Heard that." I teased. He stuck his tongue out at me as he pulled his jeans on after his boxers. I rolled to the side and simply fell out of bed. "What the hell?!" Exclaimed Gilbert who rushed over to me. I winced but grinned. "Pass me my clothes, would you? I'm afraid I can't feel my hips." I said. He let out a deep breath. "You scared me there Liebling." Said Gilbert as he collected my clothing. "My speciality." I joked. He chuckled and helped me get my clothes on.

We soon headed downstairs to find Feliciano and Ludwig setting breakfast down. "Sorella!" Exclaimed Feliciano as he ran over to me and hugged me. I winced but hugged back. "Hey Feli." I said. He let me go. He gasped at my disheveled state. "Where did you get all these bruises?!" Exclaimed Feliciano as he examined my neck and wrists. I blushed. "It's nothing Feli." I reassured. "There's even more here!" Exclaimed Feliciano and he lifted my shirt slightly to reveal hand shaped bruises. Gilbert snickered as he nonchalantly sipped some coffee. Ludwig sighed. "Also, where were you?! You never came home last night! Fratello and I were worried sick! Nonno seemed to know where you were but never told us!" Exclaimed Feliciano. My face reddened. "I simply stayed over with Gil last night." I said. "Ja. We had lots of fun." Said Gilbert smirking into his cup of coffee. I glared at him as I made myself a cup of coffee. "Really! What did you do?" Asked Feliciano. "Se-" "Several games! We played several games!" I interrupted Gilbert as I sat down. He snickered. "Oh! What sort of games?" Asked Feliciano. "Twister*." Said Gilbert. I chocked on my coffee. "Sorella!" Exclaimed Feliciano. "I'm fine." I said coughing. He sighed in relief. "She just forgot to swallow, that's all. No need to worry." Said Gilbert smirking. Ludwig slammed his cup down. "Mein Gott. Will you stop Bruder?! You do this every damn morning after." Exclaimed Ludwig. Gilbert snickered. "I'm so sorry Ludwig." I said embarrassed. "It's fine. It's not your fault my Bruder is a Dummkopf." Said Ludwig. "Guilty as charged." Snickered Gilbert. Ludwig and I groaned. "How have I fallen for such a fool?" "How am I the younger one?" We asked the real questions. "Hey!" Exclaimed Gilbert. Feliciano just looked at us confused. I sighed. "Hey. What time is it?" I asked. "Ten past nine." Said Feliciano.

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