[NSFW?] Heated Moments ~ South Italy X Reader [Part 1/2]

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Note: Sister of Spain. Same age as Romano. Omegaverse Au. Romano is an alpha and you are an omega.

[Warning: I'm really unsure how to rate this. It's NSFW to be safe. There is explicit-ish and implied NSFW stuff but no sex.]

(Y/n)'s POV
My life had been dictated from my genes and hormones. Though I always made sure I got the satisfaction life deserved me.

It all started when big brother Slain gained a new territory. South Italy or Romano as everyone called him. However I always called him Italia when it was just us. Though he was antisocial to everyone, he was always calmer and nicer to me. I knew how he felt without him telling me. Isolated, upset, confused and simply tired of living in the shadow of his brother. How did I know? I figured it out by the way his scent always drooped when Spain or anyone talked about Italy Veneziano. It was even worse when they compared him to Veneziano.

So I made it my goal when I was simply a young nation to make sure Romano was never left out or forgotten.

When we got older, It was then how I found out about my feelings for Romano. I had fallen for the Southern Italian. The most noticeable thing that made me realise it was when I had gotten close to my first heat and I suddenly started to really like his scent. Really really like it. To the point where, I made sure I was in the same room as him until I was locked away for my first heat when me and him were young teens, around the physical ages of 16.

My first heat only confirmed it for me. My brother Spain wasn't affected by my scent since we were family so he was the one who made sure I had food and water before the door was locked and I was stuck in a sound proof room. The dreams of Romano and I only stuck with me during the week. His name tumbled from my lips as I rolled around in the nest, unsure and confused to what I should do. Heats were a taboo subject in those days despite Spain making sure it was an open subject at least at home.

The first day of my first heat was the worst. Romano hadn't been told I was in heat so he wasn't told to avoid my room. His scent had seeped into the room that morning, which had made me sit up, panting and whining. My thighs had dampened from my natural lubricant, with only a gown covering my heat induced body. I had cried out for him, only for him to catch my scent slightly and not quite hear me at all.

I could remember that day vividly.

"Itain? Are you in there?" Asked Romano at the door. I whimpered. My hips bucked into the air, making me fall into the bed again. "Romano! Romano! Italia! Italia!" I cried, clawing the sheets as my hips wiggled in instinct. "I can't hear you. Are you alright? I think you're sick." Said Romano. He was alone. He wouldn't of said it so calmly of he wasn't. I moaned, my sweat soaking the gown. His scent was making me go crazy. I whimpered as I squeezed my legs together. "I think you're sick. You smell weird... A good weird... I'll get Spain. You must be sick." Said Romano as he soon ran off. I whined as his scent left, lingering in the air.

I soon heard Romano dragging Spain. "She's ill! I swear I'm telling the truth idiota! Your sister is ill! Her scent is all funny. It smells... She is sick!" Exclaimed Romano at the door. Spain chuckled. "Roma she isn't sick. I promise you. Though you'll have to stay away from her room for the week." Said Spain. I whimpered at Romano's scent. Romano soon picked my scent up again. "B-but her scent! She is sick, bastard! It smells all funny! I-it's..." I could heard Romano sounding torn between his instincts that probably were going haywire and his rational thinking. "Romano. She is fine. She's just in her first heat. That's all." Explained Spain. "Heat? What's that? Why is it making her scent so..." Romano sounded confused. "C'mon. Let's go into another room and I'll explain it to you. We don't want to disturb Itain. She's probably sleeping." Said Spain. I whimpered. Don't take Romano away! Romano caught my saddening scent. "N-no! She's sad! She she... I can't leave her!" Exclaimed Romano, my scent affecting him. Spain groaned, noticing what was going on. "Romano. She'll be fine. I promise. Let's just go so we don't disturb her." Said Spain who started dragging Romano away as I heard. I whimpered as Romano's scent left me.

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