[Angst] Gunfire of Matrimony [Sad End] ~ Germany X Reader

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Notes: This is the sad ending. This continues on from Shy Silence. Please read that to understand the start of this.

[Warnings: Minor Swearing and Death]

(Y/n)'s POV
I laughed as me and Germany skated. It was years since our first date and it was our anniversary. We knew each other's human names but were much comfortable with using our nation names. Our human names were only used about something serious which has never happened.

"Hey Germany! Let's do a lift!" I laughed as I skated towards at him at speed. "Wait what-!" He quickly caught me and lifted me. "Oh my god! It worked!" I cheered. Our friends had joined us for the night and cheered. I mean, on our first date, we were spied on. So it seemed fitting that they joined us. I giggled as Germany set me back on my feet. "You're being uncharacteristic. What's made you so happy?" Asked Germany smiling, only for me to see. "I don't know. I just am. And what's with you Mr? You've been smiling a lot today too." I said. "You just make me happy..." Mumbled Germany awkwardly. I smiled. Still as awkward. I was still as shy. We glided across the ice rink peacefully, getting near the middle. I squeaked as lost balance. Two hands grabbed my arms and helped my steady myself. I sighed in relief. "Gracias Germany...-!" I turned to Germany only to find him down on one knee. "G-Germany?" I squeaked. Germany looked up at me as he took a breath and I could hear the sudden silence in the ice rink.

"Itain. We've been together for years. And those years are the best years of my life." Started Germany taking my hands. "Despite our first date getting interrupted, I had the time of my life. The highlight honestly was the end of the night when I finally asked if I could kiss you and you said yes only for us both to confess our feelings." I smiled flustered. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The highlight of tonight would be something simple." He let my hands to reach into his pocket and pull out something I couldn't see. He took one of my hands with his free hand. "And that would be you saying yes." I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands as he lifted a silver ring for me to see. "Would you do me the honour in becoming my wife?" Tears started to fall from my eyes. I nodded. "Y-yes! Sí! Yes Germany! I'd love to be your wife!" I exclaimed, tears of happiness falling down my cheeks as I smile took my lips. His eyes lit up as he took my hand and slipped the ring on my finger. Germany stood up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pressed his lips against mine passionately, not caring about the crowd of our friends. Everyone cheered.

The happiness didn't last long.

Time Skip
I was heading to meet Spain and Italy with Germany. Our hands intwined, the engagement ring glittering in the sun. I smiled as we joined the two at their table outside a Café. "Hola Italy, Hermano." I greeted softly.

It was simple. Drinking coffee or tea while having a talk. I had no warning. I lifted my cup with both hands, listening to my brother when I froze, dropping the cup. I barely registered the pain of the hot liquid on my knees and the worried voices. "Itain!" I-Itain!" "Hermanita!"

My focus snapped back as a familiar names was called. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Snap out of it! What's wrong?!" Germany. He was shaking me lightly. Germany looked at me worriedly. "Something's happen. I don't know what but something's wrong. My nation it's..." I choked out finally. I looked at radio in the Café. Everything clicked as I heard the news.

Another nation had declared war against me.

"Ludwig." I whispered. My eyes were unfocused. "Did you hear that?" He looked confused. "Hear what?" "On the radio in the Café." "What's wrong? You're using my human name." I could hear my leader making decisions to fight back. I looked up at him. "A nation just declared war against me." I whispered. His eyes widened. "W-what?" "I'm going to war Ludwig."

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