[Fluff] Extraterrestrial Endermeant ~ America X Reader

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[Warning: Mature Themes and Mature Language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I ran down the hall, stumbling slightly as my wounds heal quickly. I burst through the door yelling. "Sorry I'm late! I-" I tripped and fell into the ground. I yelped. "You're late! We already started the emergency meeting." Scolded England. I groaned. "I know Iggy! Why the hell would I have come running at speed saying I was sorry for being late?" I retorted as I got up. "Don't call me that!!" Yelled England. I rolled my eyes. "And what the bloody hell are you wearing?! That is not appropriate for a meeting!" Scolded England. I was wearing a tight top, shorts, ripped tights, fingerless gloves and combat boots. My hair had been pulled back into a messy bun. "Sorry but I was kicking this guy's ass before this meeting and I had no time to change." I said. "Dude! You look wicked! It's like you came out of one of those action movies." Exclaimed America. I blushed at the compliment from him. "Thanks America." I said. "You are looking rather exquisite may I say." Said France flirtatiously. I glared at the Frenchman. "If you try anything, I will cut off your most prized possession and feed it to the pigs." I threatened. France froze and covered his family jewels. "Anyway. What'd I miss?" I asked. "Aliens are real!" Exclaimed America. I stared at him blankly. "... What?" I said. "Aliens! They're real!" Exclaimed America. "This is stupid aru!" Exclaimed China. "Da. I agree." Said Russia. "Shut up! I'm telling the truth you commies!" Yelled America. "How the hell would Aliens exist?" Said Germany. "Would they like pasta?" Asked Italy to Germany. Germany shrugged at the question. "I'm telling the truth! I swear! They're real!" Yelled America. "Yeah and England can cook." Said France. "Hey!"

"It's true! I'm not lying! I swear!" Exclaimed America. "America-san, there is no evidence to back this up." Informed Japan. "But I'm telling the truth! I swear! I'm not lying! I've seen them!" Yelled America. I could see the tears ready to fall from his baby blue eyes. The others didn't notice but I sure as hell did. I sighed. I personally didn't think Aliens existed but America... He sure as hell did not look like a liar. "What if he's right?" I pipped up. Everyone looked at me. "I mean, America would never lie about something this big. I think he's telling us the truth." I said. I glanced at America. He looked like a puppy who had been treated with kindness after a lifetime of abuse. "This is bullshit! You can't possible believe this idiot!" Yelled England. I glared at him. "Oh yeah?! You talk to imaginary friends!" I retorted. "I do not! Flying mint bunny is Real!" Argued England. "Then Aliens are real! We've never seen this bunny you talk to and neither have we seen the Aliens but America has! How in the world could you say that America is an idiot to believe these things! You're the fucker who raised him!" I screamed, slamming my hands down to the table. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner young lady! For your information-" "For your information my ass! You raised America! End of story! It's no wonder why he wanted independence from you! You need to learn to respect your youth before you expect us to respect you!" I argued loudly. Silence. I panted, my face red with anger. England looked at me in shock. "So don't you dare say America is an idiot. If that's the case, I'm an idiot. And I will proudly be one until you bastards learn some manners and realise how the way you were talking may have effected America." I hissed. I grabbed America by the hand. "Let's go America. These people aren't worth your time." I said before I dragged the man away from the conference room.

I could feel him shaking. We walked out of the building and I pulled him into an alley. I smiled up at him. "Don't hold it back." I whispered as I stated into the blue orbs that looked ready to flood with tears. America shakily hugged me. I soon felt his body shake as he sobbed. "Thank you." Sobbed America. I could feel his strength falter, his knees ready to crumble under his weight. "C'mon. Let's get to your place. We could play video games." I suggested. America pulled away and nodded. He took his glasses off and wiped them from the tears before putting them back on. I smiled soothingly up at him and reached up to wipe his tears away with the back of my hand. "Don't listen to them." I whispered. He smiled tearfully as he leaned into my touch. My face flushed but I ignored it. "Let's go. I'm sure you've got a cool new game your ready to try out." I said. He nodded and took my hand, leading me to his place. I stared at the ground as we walked. How could they just disregard America like that? Saying that it was stupid and calling him an idiot. Unfortunately they did it every time he had an idea. To be fair, some of them were outrageous but it was creative. And that's why I loved him. I looked over at him. I've loved him since we were young countries...

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