[NSFW] "... How much did you..." ~ England X Reader

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Notes: Human Au. Also wrap it before you tap it folks. Safe sex is important.

[Warning: Sex and mature language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I hummed sleepily as my eyes fluttered open. I relaxed a little more in the sleeping arms of my husband. I felt his breath against the back of my neck. I wonder what time he got back?

I looked at the clock tiredly. It was half past eight. Oh okay... I had an hour till work...


I jolted awake and cursed under my breath before unwillingly wriggling out Arthur's arms. He groaned and I kissed his forehead before running off to the shower quietly.

I got ready quickly and as quietly as I could before leaving the house for work.

I drove to work and sighed. I was a dancer. Arthur was a policeman. We met when he stopped some guy harassing me. He had then turned to me and turned into a blushing mess from my attire. A shimmering black brassiere and a black skirt with black lace stockings. My body had been painted with glitter and wearable jewels. I had been wearing what I had been wearing for my performance earlier that night and it just so happened that the theme had made me wear that.

I had been amused at his shyness and gave him my number. We got talking, got close and fell in love before marrying.

However I often slept on my own from his night shifts. I had known that before I married him and I known very much so when I lived with him. I didn't mind.

I did miss him a lot though.

I got parked and got to my dance studio just in time.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Called my friend Francis. He was also a dancer. We were often partnered up and Arthur thankfully didn't mind that especially since Francis is married too. He knew it was very professional when we danced even it did make people think Francis was with me. Though Francis loved to tease him and Arthur got flustered easily. Arthur was a bit of a... what's the word... Tsundere! That's the word. He was a bit of a tsundere.

"Hey Francis." I said giving him a smile as I headed over to him. He was stretching and I joined him.

"So how's you?" He asked as we stretched. "I'm good. Life's been quiet." I said. "How's your grumpy husband?" He chuckled. I sighed amused. "He's good. Been working hard. I don't see him a lot but that's what you get when you marry a policeman." I said casually. Francis frowned.

"You do see him though?" He asked. "Of course! When he has day shift I get to see him always! He's just been stuck with night shift at the moment. Arthur's hoping to get put back to day shift." I said doing a full body stretch. I closed my eyes and groaned. When I opened them again, I saw Francis looking at me attentively.

"So just how much sex have you two have for the past three months?" Asked Francis. I blushed a little. "Uh... Why?" I asked confused. "You've been tense for that long. First month I just though you were worried for the performance. Then Arthur didn't show up because of work. Last month I thought it was because your mother decided to come into town. Now though, I can tell you two haven't done anything." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay fine. We haven't done anything for awhile. That doesn't mean I'm stressed." I huffed. Francis crossed his arms. "We've been friends for too long and I know when you're going through a dry spell. I'm the one you tell about that all the time. You literally phoned me after your first time like some teenage girl getting tickets to see a boy band." Deadpanned Francis. I chuckled.

"Whatever. It's not like I can't handle it." I said. "It's not that. Now that you're married, you only want one man. During other dry spells, we'd go out and you'd pick up someone easily. This time, you're stuck." Said Francis. I was silent. He had a point.

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