[Fluff] I'm going to be a Vati?! {Part 2/2} ~ Prussia X Reader

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[Warning: Implied Sex and Mature Language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
First trimester was hell. Morning sickness was just torture.

We did the usual couple stuff like looking for a house and getting baby stuff etc. We found a little 3 bedroom house that we both got together. It was fun. I woke up one morning and stretched, catching a glimpse of my stomach in the mirror. I froze. I wore a baggy shirt that day and met up with Gilbert on campus. I hugged Gilbert from his side, who was with Francis and Antonio. "Hey Liebling." Greeted Gilbert, kissing me. I smiled. "Hey Gil. I have a little surprise for you." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What is it?" Asked Gilbert. I took his hand and placed it on my stomach. "Guess who decided to give Mamma a baby bump?" I said. His eyes widened. "No way!" Exclaimed Gilbert, falling to his knees. He gently lifted my top to reveal a small baby bump. He gaped in shock as he gently placed a hand on my abdomen. "Do you think they can hear me?" Asked Gilbert. "I don't know. Maybe." I said. He gently laid his head on the bump. "Hey there. This... I'm your Vati. I'm your Vati. Vati means Father y'know. I... Ich liebe dich. So much." Said Gilbert softly. He kissed my stomach. Gilbert stood up, hand still on my stomach. "Ich liebe dich." Said Gilbert kissing me. "Mon amie. This is too much. Hold me." Exclaimed Francis clutching on to Antonio. Antonio rolled his eyes at the Frenchman. I chuckled at them. "C'mon you two. You two are basically Uncles too." I said. They gasped and rushed to me, gently placing a hand on my stomach. "Oh the Lord has blessed you two." Exclaimed Francis. "Stop with the dramatics Francis." Teased Antonio. "Just wait till the bambino starts kicking." I said. Francis fainted. We laughed as Antonio had to catch the poor blond.

I soon showed my friends the little surprise at lunch. "Hey!" I exclaimed. I sat down next to Matthew. "Hello there." Said Arthur who was reading. "You look like you're glowing." Said Ivan. I raised an eyebrow. "Good or bad?" I said. "Good! Must be that pregnancy glow." Said Yao. "Yeah. Yao is right." Said Matthew softly. I chuckled. "Hey! Dudes! Francis fainted this morning, did ya know?" Exclaimed Alfred running over. "He did? Did some sense get knocked into him?" Asked Arthur. I laughed. "No. I was there. I know why he fainted." I said. "Well why? C'mon! What's the big secret? It's got something to do with Gil doesn't it? He was grinning all the way through class and wouldn't tell me or Mathias why!" Exclaimed Alfred. I smiled and stood up. "Hey Matthew? Lend me your hand, will you?" I asked. He nodded. I lifted my shirt slightly and placed his hand on the baby bump. "Mon Dieu... Is this a baby bump?" Said Matthew. I nodded. The group gasped and surrounded me. "May we?" Asked Arthur. I laughed. "Of course." I said. I had several hands on my stomach. "This is amazing!" Exclaimed Yao. "Da." Agreed Ivan. They pulled away. "Yo! Mathias! I know why Gilbert was grinning so much!" Exclaimed Alfred. The Danish man headed over to us with his friends. "Well, What is it?" Asked Mathias. "The Dudette has a baby bump!" Exclaimed Alfred. Mathias gasped. "No way! No wonder he was grinning so much!" Exclaimed Mathias. "(Y/n) has a baby bump?! Oh can I see?" Exclaimed Tino. "Sure. Knock yourself out." I teased.

I soon headed over to my next class that was with Elizabeta. "Hey Liz." I greeted. She smiled. "Hey (Y/n). How's being pregnant going for you?" Asked Elizabeta. "Good. Morning sickness has started to slow down. Also, guess who's gained a little baby bump?" I said. She gasped. "No way! Really!" Exclaimed Elizabeta. I nodded and lifted my top to let her place a hand to confirm for herself. "This is amazing.." She muttered. I smiled.

I soon was heading home. "I'm home!" I called. "Sorella!" Squealed Feliciano. Ludwig and Kiku were there. "I have some news!" I exclaimed. "Oh what is it?" Asked Kiku politely. "Guess who decided to made themselves known!" I exclaimed as I lifted my top to reveal my baby bump. "Aah! The little bambino has given you a baby bump!" Squealed Feliciano holding my stomach. I chuckled. "Yes they have." I said. "That is Wunderbar." Said Ludwig. I grinned. "Don't just sit there! You two can feel too." I said. They both cautiously placed a hand on my baby bump. "Wow..." Muttered the two. I giggled at them, letting my shirt fall back down.

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