[Fluff] Halloween Special! ~ South Italy X Reader

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Notes: Halloween! My alternative title is "Heartful Hauntings"

[Warning: Swearing]

(Y/n)'s POV
I quickly finished my makeup as the car beeped before grabbing my stuff and running out the house and locking it. "Hey Feli! Hey Ludwig!" I greeted cheerfully. My friends waved at me. "Ciao!" "Hallo." I quickly slid into the car which Ludwig was driving. (Never let Feliciano drive. Ever.)

"Nice costumes!" I complimented while I put my seatbelt on as Ludwig started driving again. Ludwig and Feliciano were doing a 'couple' costume since Feliciano had won the coin toss. Ludwig was a Roman gladiator and while Feliciano was a Roman slave. "Danke." "You sure it isn't revealing some stuff that happens in the bedroom?" I teased. Feliciano had a chain round his neck like a dog. "Nein!" Feliciano started giggling as I laughed. Ludwig huffed and blushed. "Anyway, nice costume Frau." Said Ludwig changing the subject.

I was dressed up Siren. Scales and all. I was wearing contacts that made my eyes completely black yet I could see normally out of them. I had dyed my hair blue and had a mermaid 'tail' on. It was one that I could put over my feet if I wanted but I kept my feet free so I could walk. I could swim in it too. I was wearing blue flats that went well with the tail. I adjusted my shell like bikini top slightly. "Thanks Ludwig! I hope I can scare some surprised nations." I chuckled, flashing a smile that showed my fangs. My nails also were slightly longer than usual and I had them looking scaly blue.

"I'm sure you will ragazza! You look scary and pretty!" Complimented Feliciano. "Thanks Feli! Ludwig, are we picking up anyone else?" "Ja. Antonio and Lovino." "They don't have a ride this year since Netherlands and Belgium can't make it." Explained Feliciano. "Okay. Is Lovino...?" I trailed off though the two understood what I was trying to say. "Lovino is fine with it as much as he is annoyed." Said Feliciano. I sighed in relief. "That's good."

We soon stopped and the door opened. "Hola!" Greeted Antonio cheerfully. "Hey Toni!" "Ciao!" "Hallo." I saw Lovino grumble next to Antonio. The two had dressed in similar costumes this year. Antonio was a pirate captain and Lovino looked to be his cabin boy or another pirate. "Go in Lovi! Ludwig won't bite!" Teased Antonio. "Fuck you Tomato Bastard and it's Lovino." Huffed Lovino sliding into the car beside me. Antonio sat beside him making Lovino sit in the middle. "Nice costumes you two!" I complimented. "Gracias! You look great too!" Said Antonio as he and Lovino put their seat belts on. "Everyone belted up?" Asked Ludwig. "Sì bastard..." Huffed Lovino. Ludwig nodded and drove off.

It wasn't long before we got to the Halloween party. "Hey chica! Do you want to join us in entering the Group Costume Contest?" Asked Antonio once we were all out. "Sure! Sounds fun!" I said as I took my shoes off and put the tail over my feet. I put them in my bag and left it in Ludwig's car before he locked it. I hopped with Antonio an Lovino. "There's Kiku! Ludwig let's go! Ciao!" Squealed Feliciano grabbing Ludwig's hand and running off. Antonio and I chuckled and waved them off.

I walked with the two, seeing many nations all dressed up. The nordics were Vikings this year. Arthur and Francis were Peter Pan and Wendy Darling. Francis was sure rockin' that blue dress. Yao was Hello Kitty. Alfred was Captain America. Ivan was... himself? Oh wait, I overheard him saying he was being a sociopath since they look just like everyone else because it was the easiest costume. The Baltic trio were the See no evil, Speak no evil and Hear no evil Monkeys. I saw Kiku dressed as an anime character. Some of the micro actions were doing The Wizard of Oz with Hantamago being Toto. Prussia was a vampire with Austria being his captured 'damsel'. Hungary was a knight.

"Ooh! I can be your captured Siren!" I said the the boys excitedly. "Sí! Great Idea Chica!" Exclaimed Antonio. "Hey Lovino! Catch me!" I exclaimed jumping up. Lovino quickly caught me and huffed as he held me. "What was that for ragazza?" Asked Lovino annoyed slightly. "You don't want me getting away! And I can't walk! I don't have feet!" I said going into my role. "Ha ha very funny. Fine." Huffed Lovino and I chuckled. "Let's hope we have a fair judge hosting this years party too. It was unfair what Alfred did a couple years back." "Sí, I think this year it's a mixed vote over many people." Said Antonio.

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