[NSFW] Godly Loving ~ Greece X Reader

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Requested By: Eyeless_Jade70

Notes: You understand Greek.

[Warning: Sex duh, slight sexual assault? I don't know]

(Y/n)'s POV
My white toga flowed as I walked down the corridor, looking for my husband. Greece and I were nations. And our leaders sought to make alliances and since neither land had anyone royal enough to marry, Greece and I married for the alliance.

We both didn't mind. At the time we had been good friends, glad to make an alliance. That was until we found out that the marriage and alliance would only be valid was if we consummated it.

Oh what did 'Consummate' mean? Well in this case it meant sex.

Both of us were a little scared. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Flashback ~
I paced the room about nervously. "Itain. It's not the biggest thing in the world, is it? I mean it's just s-" "Greece please don't say the word. I'm just really nervous y'know? No one has ever seen me in any sort of state close to that. A-and you're my friend! What if we get awkward and never speak! Greece I can't bare losing you because over this! We both wanted an alliance but we never anticipated this!" I exclaimed, my hands shaking. He sighed and stood up, taking my hands with his. "You won't lose me. I need someone who hates Turkey just as much as I do around." Said Greece trying to make a joke. He sighed seeing my expression hadn't relaxed.

"I'm just as nervous as you. Look, we don't have to tonight-" "I'd rather get it over with tonight. So we don't have to deal with again. I mean that is everything goes okay but what if we end up agreeing to do it any other time but I don't know if that's even gonna happen so I'm just saying bullshit aren't I-" I was cut off by Greece placing a finger on my lips. "You're rambling." "Sorry."

I stared at the floor. I sighed. "Promise me we won't let this get awkward." "I promise." "Greece?" "Yes?" "I trust you with my life and nation. Just know that." "And I to you. Now are we gonna get this over with?"

I blushed as I nodded and he lifted my face to kiss me in a friendly manner.

It wasn't long before my toga slipped off my shoulders as well as his and our bodies were taken in a smooth rhythm of passion.



Flashback End ~

We didn't pull away from the awkwardness. Instead we felt much more closer than before. It wasn't long after that was when the god of love hit me and it just so happened to be Greece who was there when I fell in love.

I loved Greece.

And He loved me back.

I hummed before clicking my fingers as I realised where Greece would be.

The garden. With the cats.

I quickly headed there to smile at my husband. He lay sleeping in the sun with a dozen cats lying with or on top of him.

I chuckled before sitting beside him, cats piling on my lap to sleep. I smiled as I petted their soft fur. I looked at Greece who lay peacefully. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. He smiled in his sleep.

The moment was unfortunately ruined by a certain nation.

"Heeeeeey! Itain!" I groaned at the voice.

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