[Fluff] Chaste Childhood Kisses ~ North Italy X Reader

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[Warning: None apart from England's slang of swears which is very little]

(Y/n)'s POV
I was a young nation. I giggled as the Faeries danced about. My white gown flowed as I danced with them. Some people could see them but you had to believe! I sighed as they said they had to go. I waved to them as they disappeared. Aw. I skipped through the forest. I headed over to the small waterfall I often went to. I suddenly heard unfamiliar voices. I stepped into the small clearing to see a man and young boy who was my age. There stood a white horse with them. "Hello?" I called out. The two turned around. "Oh hello there. Who're you?" Asked the man softly. "My name is Itain. May I know your name?" I asked timidly. "My name is Italy Veneziano! I'm North Italy! This is my grandfather!" Exclaimed the boy. "I am Rome. I guess this is your place?" Said the man. I nodded. "Yes. You two are nations?" I asked. Italy nodded. "Sì!" Said Italy. I gasped and smiled. "I'm not the only one?!" I exclaimed. "Of course. There are many nations. I have one other grandson and I rule over many other nations." Said Rome. "I thought I was the only one! I've been here all my life, interacting with the people here. No one has ventured away so we were not sure. I'm so glad I'm not alone!" I exclaimed. The two smiled. "You've been all alone? Don't you have any friends?" Asked Italy. I nodded. "Yes but you probably can't see them. They're Faeries! My people can't see them and are thought of as folklore. They have these small wings and can fly about! They are all sorts of colours!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Wow! They sound really nice!" Exclaimed Italy. "They are!" We giggled as we started chatting.

After awhile it started to get dark. "It's getting Late Feliciano. We've got to go. We must either find a village or set camp." Said Rome. I cocked my head to the side. "Feliciano?" I said confused. "That's my human name! All nation's have one!" Exclaimed Italy. I frowned. "I don't... I've always been called Itain. The village people never gave me a name." I said. "Could I think of one?" Asked Italy. I nodded. "Yay!" Exclaimed Italy. I turned to Rome. "I know where the closest village is. It's not the far. Follow me!" I said. I guided them through the village to a clearing and to a small town. "There's a inn here too. I'm sure Mr Innkeeper will let you stay." I said, leading them to a small inn. We got to the inn and headed inside. "Mr Innkeeper! I've got some friends! They're also Nations!" I exclaimed. An elder man came into sight. "Oh Itain! Who're your new friends?" He asked. "This is Mr Rome and this is Italy!" I said, motioning to them. "They need a place to stay the night. Could they stay here?" I asked. He nodded. "Of course! Any friend of little Itain is a friend of mine! Follow me!"

Later on, I shook Italy awake. "Huh?" Mumbled Italy tiredly. "Italy! Wake up! I wanna show you something!" I whispered. He tiredly got out of bed. He smiled. "What is it?" He asked. I smiled and took his hand, pulling him along. We snuck out of the room and outside. "Why are we out here? It's dangerous at night!" Exclaimed Italy. "Don't worry. Nothing here is dangerous." I said as I pulled him to a small hill nearby. "Close your eyes." I said. He closed his eyes and I gently helped him up the hill. Once at the top, we stopped. "Now open them." I whispered. He opened them and gasped. He looked at the starlit sky. "It's Bella...." Muttered Italy. I giggled. We chatted on the hill until we both began to feel sleepy.

"We better get back. We don't want anyone to notice we're gone." I said. Italy nodded. We started heading back to the inn. "Itain?" Said Italy. "Yeah?" I said. "I've thought of a name for you!" Exclaimed Italy. I gasped. "Really? What is it?" I asked. "(Y/n)! It's a really pretty name and I think it really suits you since you're pretty too!" Exclaimed Italy. My face flushed a innocent blush. "Th-thank you... You really mean that?" I squeaked. He giggled and nodded. I smiled. "Well I think you're handsome!" I exclaimed. "B-bello?! Handsome?!" Squeaked Italy blushing. I giggled. We smiled at each other. We skipped down the path and snuck back into the inn. We giggled quietly and headed back to the room Italy was staying in. I yawned alongside Italy. "Stay?" Asked Italy. I nodded and we climbed into the bed. "Italy? Can I call you by your human name? You can call me by mine if you want..." I asked. He nodded. "Okay!" Exclaimed Italy. I smiled. "Night Feli." He giggled. "Night (Y/n)."

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