[NSFW] Sleepover Seductions ~ South Italy X Reader

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Notes: High School Au kinda, Human Au and NYOTALIA! (Everyone is the legal age to do the bedroom tango by the way)

[Warning: Sex and Swearing]

(Y/n)'s POV
"W-well this is not how I imagined tonight to be."
That's all I could say after Chiara made a sassy comment next to me. She raised an eyebrow and rolled over to me, the covers falling to show her naked chest. "Well I think I can imagine how to make the rest of the night even better."

My cheeks flushed dark red.

How did this happen?

Oh yeah I remember....

I was dancing to music in my pyjamas from the movie I was watching. I had the whole house to myself for the night and the next morning since my dad was out working.

Anyway I had been dancing to the music in the film. What was I watching? Star Trek. The first one in the reboot and it was at the bit where young Jim Kirk was driving the car with a policeman after him. I was going all at it with air guitar and everything!

I jumped when I heard a knock at my door. Quickly I paused the movie and ran to the door. Shit was the neighbors at the door with a noise complaint? I swear it wasn't loud. I opened the door and saw my neighbor that lived across the street from me.

"Chiara!" I squeaked in surprise. My crush! She had an annoyed expression and a bag. "Can I stay at yours tonight?" She asked. I looked at her confused. "Why?" I asked. She huffed.

"My Nonna has to go on a quick work trip and usually it would be okay but my idiota of a Sorella wanted to stay at Potato bitch's house for the night and Nonna won't let me stay home alone so I asked Carmen but she had Wine bitch and Potato bitch number two at hers, so can I stay at yours? I have a key to my house but Nonna won't leave unless I stay at somebody's house." She explained.

I looked and saw her young looking grandmother at her car, waiting for my response.

"Sure! My dad is out for tonight but I'm sure he wouldn't mind! Come in!" I said.

"Grazie." Sighed Chiara in relief walking in. I looked over to her grandmother. "Chiara is good to stay here Ms Vargas!" I said cheerfully. "Grazie dear! You two girls have fun!" Said Ms Vargas in relief however winking at her last statement before getting in her car. I blushed. "No problem Ms!" I said ignoring my blush. Fuck even Chiara's grandmother knew of my crush on her. Ms Vargas beeped her car. "Ti amo my dear granddaughter!" "Nonna!" Exclaimed Chiara in embarrassment. Ms Vargas laughed and drove off. Chiara sighed and I closed the door.

"Do you want to put your bag upstairs?" "Sì." We went upstairs and Chiara out her bag at the end of my bed. I cursed quietly under my breath. "What?" I blushed. "My dad put the air bed in the attic and the ladder is in the shed outside and it's locked and my dad has the key." I explained. "I-I can sleep on the couch." I said. "You're not sleeping on the couch!" "Well I'm not letting you sleep on the couch! You're the guest!" We both blushed. "Idiota we can just share the bed. We're both girls." Said Chiara shrugging. "I... I mean I'm okay with it. Are you?" "What the fuck do you think! I suggested it dumbass!" "O-okay."

We were quiet. "Do you want to change into your pyjamas? You can use the shower if you want." "Uh Sì and Grazie..." I grabbed a towel and gave it to her. "Here you can use one of my towels. You probably don't have one." "Grazie..." Chiara coughed awkwardly.

She quickly grabbed the towel before going into the bathroom. I thought for a moment how I was going to go through tonight. A few moments later I heard a string of curses which were a mix of English and Italian. "Uh (Y/n)?" Called Chiara. "Yeah?" "... I don't know how to work your shower." I giggled and walked to the bathroom. "Can I come in?" "Sì stupid." I walked in and blushed. Chiara had the towel around herself and her clothes were on the floor. I gulped and avoided checking her out. I quickly put the shower on. "See that dial?" She nodded. "Turn it right to heat up the water and turn it left to cool it down." I explained. She nodded. "I see." We were silent as we stared at each other. "Well get out idiota! I'm not having a shower in front of you!" Snapped Chiara blushing. I blushed. "Sorry!" I ran out and she locked the door. I blushed and put a hand over my racing heart.

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