[Fluff] Coming Out Confessions ~ Hetalia/Hungary X Reader

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Notes: This is a Hetalia X Reader with a hint of Hungary X Reader.

Itain is Nonbinary but with a feminine body.

[Warning: Gender Talk]

(Y/n)'s POV
I trudged into the meeting room and dumped my bag at my seat with a sigh. "Hey dudette!" I internally cringed at the feminine word. "Hey America." I greeted as Alfred bounded over to my seat. "How's your morning been?" Asked Alfred. I sipped my hot drink that I held. "It's been fine." Until you called me dudette. "Good good. I was wondering if you wanted to join me and the others out tonight?" Asked Alfred. "Whose gonna be going?" I asked. "Me, Spain, Prussia, and Italy. They might bring some others too." Said Alfred. I nodded and sat down. "Yeah sure I'll join you if I feel up to it." I said. "Aw man. C'mon! It'll be great fun! Is it because you're joining the female nations in their girls only sleepover that I heard about?" I shook my head, gripping my cup tightly. "No. Seychelles asked me but I didn't want to." I admitted. "Okay! So you'll come out with me and the guys?" I sighed at his enthusiasm. "Fine. Sure. What time?" I asked. "I'll pick you up with Prussia at seven!" "Okay. Seven. Got it." "Yay! I'll tell Prussia!"

I sighed as I finally sat down. "Hiya ragazza!" Squealed Italy who skipped over beside my seat. I cringed internally. "Hey Italy." I said. "It's such a nice day today isn't it?" Exclaimed Italy as he sat down. "Yes It is, isn't it?" I said softly. I had walked to the conference building this morning since the weather so good. "I heard you're going out today with the other nations." I said. Italy nodded. "Sì! Are you going out too?" He asked. I nodded. "Yay!" He cheered. I chuckled. He smiled at me. "You've got such a pretty laugh ragazza." I froze up. Ragazza... "Thank you Italy. Your laugh is nice too." I said ignoring my internally struggle. He giggled. "Thank you!"

The meeting soon started to my relief.

Time Skip
It was our lunch break and I sighed. "Hello Itain." I smiled softly at Hungary who sat down beside me. "Hey Hungary." I greeted. She smiled. She was the only one who knew of my secret. She only found out when I had hid in the bathrooms crying.

I leaned against the sink counter, gripping it tightly as tears ran down my cheeks while I sobbed as quietly as I could. I was so tired of being called a girl. I wasn't a girl. But no one would believe me if I said I wasn't a boy either. I may have breasts and a womb and I would of had the capacity to carry a child if I wasn't a nation but that doesn't make me a girl! I've lived with this secret for centuries and it only became a problem when my land became 'civilised' and began labelling everything. It was worse that I was 'girl' who was attracted to girls and for years all I've heard is how wrong it is.

"Itain? Is that you?" I looked to see Hungary standing at the doorway of the bathrooms. "Y-Yeah don't mind me. I'm just having my daily breakdown." I joked despite breaking into sobs again. Hungary rushed over to me and brought me into her arms. She lay my head on her shoulder and soothed me as I sobbed. Once I calmed down enough, she asked me what was wrong.

"Itain, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Asked Hungary. I sniffed and rubbed my cheek from tears. "Only if you don't tell anyone else or judge me." I croaked. "Of course." She said rubbing my arm comfortingly. "I... I'm not a girl. And I'm not a boy. Yet all I've heard for centuries is how I am a girl and I can't be anything else. And how wrong my sexual orientation is. I'm just so tired of it." I confessed. "I see. Don't worry. I don't think it's bad or anything. I've heard about people like that. Nonbinary I think it was." Said Hungary reassuringly.

"Nonbinary?" I said. I may have heard it before once... "Yeah. It means you aren't a boy or a girl. I heard it can represent other identities too like a umbrella term but it also something that is used by itself." Explained Hungary supportively. "How do you know all of that?" I asked. She blushed embarrassed. "I read a lot. And because I'm not straight either." She admitted. My eyes widened. "Really?" She nodded. "Yeah. I'm pan." She said smiling. "Really?" She nodded again. "C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up. We have a meeting remember?" Said Hungary. I smiled weakly at her.

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