[Fluff] Curse's Connection ~ Italy X Reader

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Notes: Cursed Au, every nation is cursed. You were raised by France and you're the twin sister of Canada. Fraternal of course. Also I tried a new nation name; Ricada.

[Warning: Implied mature themes aka Sex and slight mature language]

(Y/n)'s POV
I hummed as I trudged into the conference hall. My hand twitched in my jacket pocket as I resisted my usual urge to hug everyone. We all had a curse. Every personified nation had one. Of course we all didn't know each other's except that each of us had one. Our curse was private with only those we trusted knew. Some curses were simply annoying, some were much more serious. Mine was in-between I would say.

My emotional urges were terribly hard to control. The more emotion behind it, the harder it was to resist. I had theorised that if I was in love with someone, I would definitely have very little to no restraint around them.

That was my curse.

I quickly slipped past some of the nations and sat down next to my brother. "Hey Canada." I greeted. He smiled. "Hey Ricada." Greeted Canada softly. I gave a small wave to Kumajirou who was sitting under the table. His curse was that he was usually forgotten or invisible to other nations. Thankfully since we were twins, I seemed immune to it which I was very much glad I was. Aaaah I just wanted to give Canada a big hug. "Hug?" I asked quietly. He smiled and nodded. I hugged my brother quickly. "How are you doing today?" Asked Canada. "Eventful like usual. I raged while driving again. I leaned out my car and screamed again at driver in front of me." I groaned. "You'll get the hang of your curse. At the very least you'll be able to manage it better. I know you will." Reassured Canada. "I doubt it. It's been years and there hasn't been much progress except I'm able to resist small things. And not a lot on that note." I sighed. "But you have made progress." Said Canada. I smiled at his optimism. "Yeah I guess." Me and Canada talked a little before Germany said the meeting was about to start. The nations began heading to the seats while me and my brother got out work ready. I heard my brother groan and I turned to see Russia sitting on him. "Mr Russia?" I said looking up at the nation. "Da?" I could feel everyone's eyes on me, making me want to hide in the long coat that Russia wore or under the table. I resisted the urge thankfully. "You're sitting on my brother and I would much appreciate you getting off him please." I said. He cocked his head to the side in confusion and I could see everyone try and hide their fear for me at the corner of my eye. He may be intimidating but the urge for him to get off Canada was stronger. "I do not understand." Said Russia naively. "You're sitting on Canada, my brother. Please get off him" I said bluntly. "Who?" Stay calm stay calm- Nope! I huffed as I stood up and pushed Russia, taking the nation by surprise and successfully pushing him off Canada. "Sorry Mr Russia but I had to get you off my brother." I said as politely as the situation could let me sound. "You okay Canada?" I asked. He nodded. "Thank you..." Said Canada softly. Russia shook off his surprise and thankfully did nothing else and sat down at his proper seat.

I sat down and the meeting commenced.

It wasn't long before I wanted to sleep because it was the same damn boring topics as the past 50 meetings. Though to be fair that was because everyone argued. I looked around at the other nations. My eyes soon locked on North Italy. He was very different. Today he was drawing again. While everyone focused on the meeting, Italy was always in his own world. I couldn't help but watch silently. He must have a really small curse since he was so happy all the time. I wish I could be that happy. He looked up and I froze as his eyes locked with mine. He smiled at me before focusing back on his drawing. I relaxed. I think he thinks it's just a coincidence our eyes locked and not because I was staring. I hope so.

Time flew by and it was time for a lunch break. I sighed as I slumped in my chair. "I'm going to grab something for me and Kumakiro to eat." Said Canada who was getting up. I nodded as Canada walked off. I closed my eyes as I cleared my head. "Are you asleep Bella?" Said a voice. I opened my eyes to see Italy very close to my face. I squeaked in surprise. "Mr Italy?" I squeaked softly. He smiled brightly. "Ciao!" He greeted brightly. "Were you asleep?" "No I was just thinking..." I answered. "Oh okay! Well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have lunch with me? It's Pasta! Germany, Japan and Mio fratello didn't want to have lunch with me. Germany said he was busy sorting paperwork, Japan said he wanted to be alone and Romano said that Spain and him were having lunch." Said Italy before he started rambling. "U-um Mr Italy?" I said quietly. I was surprised when he stopped rambling. "Sì? Do you want to join me for lunch?" Asked Italy a little more calmer than before. "Um Oui?" His face lit up. "Yay!" He exclaimed before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the break room.

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