[Fluff] Love Letter ~ Hungary X Reader

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[Warning: Mature Language]

(Y/n)'s POV
I sighed dreamily as gazed at the beauty across the lunch room. The brunette was cheerfully chatting. I sighed. They wouldn't never like me though...

She wasn't even gay.

I gazed at Hungary. I had fallen for her. It had scared me at first when I realised it. I had always thought I was straight until after I fell for her. I had thought long and hard about it a realised I had never looked at males as I looked at her. I was gay. And boy did I have the love bug. I've had it for years probably since the 1700's...

I chewed my bottom lip as I focused on my notebook. I should really just look over my notes from the meeting... I blushed as I dreamily sketched her. I started writing. Maybe if I write my feelings down... Maybe a love letter?

You're like a refreshing glass of water.
I can't get enough of you.
You're like that soft cool feeling you get when you fall into bed at the end of the day.
You'll never bore or tire me.
I love your smile.
I love your eyes.
I love the way your eyes just light up when you talk about something you're passionate about.
I love everything about you.
You made feel emotions I've never felt before.
You've made me realise just how straight I'm not.
You made me scared when I found out I was gay. But I'm really glad that it was you that made realise it.
I'm in love with you Hungary.
I have since the early 1700's.

I just pray you'll never see this as you'll never be able to reciprocate those feelings back to me.
I mean...
You're not even gay...

~ (Y/n) (L/n) aka Itain

I bit my lip, ripped the paper out my notebook and folded it before slipping it between some other pages in my notebook. She could never find it or she'll never be friends with me again.

"Hey Itain." I jumped and looked up to see the brunette of my dreams in front of me. "O-oh hey Hungary." I squeaked. She giggled. "How are you doing? We haven't been able to hang out for a while because of my government issues." Said Hungary. "I-I'm fine. And yeah it's been a while, hasn't it?" I said shyly. She grinned. "Yeah. Prussia hasn't been bothering you lately, has he?" Asked Hungary.

Prussia had a thing for teasing me a lot for some reason. He didn't know anything about my feelings for Hungary. He just liked to tease me since I'm so jittery and shy all the time. "Uh no. He hasn't bothered me..." I lied. Hungary frowned. "You're lying. What has he done?" Said Hungary. I winced. She always figured out if I'm lying easily. "He was just teasing me for never having a relationship... Nothing big..." I squeaked. She sighed. "That idiot. I'm gonna hit him with my frying pan the next time I see him. If he try's anything again, don't hesitate to tell me. No one messes with my friends!" Exclaimed Hungary.

I winced at the word, friend. I was only a friend. I nodded to Hungary. "Okay..." I said quietly. I picked my bag and notebook up. "I'm just going to put my bag in my car before we continue the rest of the meeting." I said, slightly lying. Hungary nodded, buying the lie. "Okay! I'll wait here for you!" She said. I nodded. "Okay. I'll be back..."

I quickly walked out the room and sighed. I'm going to my car to cry before I have to endure the meeting. I couldn't always handle knowing I'll only be a friend. I sighed as I walked down the hall. I was looking at the ground so I didn't notice anyone coming towards me. I squeaked before falling back to land on the ground on my butt, my things all over the ground. I heard the person I bumped into snicker. I sighed. Prussia. "Hey Prussia..." I said quietly as I grabbed all my stuff before getting back up. "Hey Frau. How's it like being single?" He teased. "It's fine... If you excuse me, I'm going to put my things in my car before the meeting restarts. Bye." I said, avoiding the whole situation, going passed him, not noticing a slip of paper falling out of my notebook and him picking it up.

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