[Fluff] Brother Troubles ~ Liechtenstein X Reader

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Note: You are the younger sister of Prussia and Germany. Same age as Liechtenstein since I really have no idea how old she is.

[Warning: There is literally one swear that can be seen not as a swear since its German. That's all you need to be warned about.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I smiled as I sat on the hill watching the sunset. Thoughts of my crush flooded to my head and I blushed. She's so sweet and I love her so.

But I had one small problem.

Switzerland was not the easiest person to get around.

Yep. Little Liechtenstein was my crush. And oh boy did I have it bad. I sighed. Switzerland didn't like me anyway. I don't know why. Probably because he didn't like my big brothers. Or well the elder of the two.

"Itain! Kesesese Oh where are yooooou!" Sang Prussia. I sighed. "There you are!" I jumped as I felt Prussia tackle me. "Hey Bruder." I sighed. "What's wrong Kleine Schwester? You're quiet." Asked Prussia as he laid his head on the top of my head. "Nothing, I'm just tired." I sighed. "Well let's go. It's getting dark now." Said Prussia. I nodded and we got up. He took my hand as I followed him through the forest to home. "Hey Bruder? Can I come with you and Germany to the next meeting?" I asked. "Hm? Sure. Why?" Asked Prussia. "No reason. I'm just bored when you go to meetings so I thought maybe if come, I won't be bored." I said. "But you hate meetings." Said Prussia confused. "I can gain blackmail on Austria if I go." I lied. "Kesesese You really are a descendent of the awesome Prussia!" Exclaimed Prussia. I nodded.

"Training is at 6 tomorrow. This time I'm gonna reach you how to shoot a sniper rifle!" Exclaimed Prussia. I nodded, my eyes lighting up slightly. I loved to train. But not as much as I loved Liechtenstein.

Time Skip
"Bruder! Kleine Schwester! What do you think you two are doing!" Exclaimed Germany over at us. "Bruder is teaching me how to shoot a sniper rifle!" I exclaimed cheerfully. Prussia grinned. "Ja! I am! She's a natural!" "Well you're disturbing our neighbours! And Prussia! You're making Kleine Schwester shoot Switzerland's practice decoys!" Exclaimed Germany. I froze from in the tree. "I-I am?!" I exclaimed. Oh god please say Switzerland hasn't noticed! "Oh I'm not making her shoot anyone though!" "Well Switzerland is pissed off!" I gasped as I saw Switzerland marching to the border of his nation and Germany's land. I suddenly noticed the dark line separating the two sides. I suddenly saw Liechtenstein following him confused. "Ah it'll be fine. Don't worry. I'll sort it out." Said Prussia. Yeah Prussia I don't believe that.

"Oi! Sniper! Whoever you are! Get down from that tree and face me properly!" Yelled Switzerland. I froze. Oh god he noticed I was in the tree! Prussia got down and helped me down. I gulped as I followed Prussia to face Switzerland. I saw the gun in his hand and I gripped the rifle in my hands. Oh god he was trigger happy. That's not good. "Hey Switzerland! I'm sure this is just a big misunderstanding!" Exclaimed Prussia. "Well from what I gathered, Your little sister has been shooting over the border to hit my decoys!" Exclaimed Switzerland. "I-I didn't mean to! I didn't notice I was shooting over the border! Es tut mir Leid!" I squeaked. "I-I thought-" I cut myself off as Switzerland turned to me. "I do not want to see you shooting at my decoys again! You hear!" Exclaimed Switzerland. "Yes Sir!" I squeaked. I caught sight of Liechtenstein looking at me surprised. Oh no. No no no no. She thinks I'm a bad person. She thinks I'm weak and cowardly. "Good! Now be off with you both!" Exclaimed Switzerland. I nodded and ran off.

"Itain!" Exclaimed my brothers. I dropped the empty rifle and ran back into the house and into my room. I slammed the door despite no one to hear it and hid under my covers to cry. Stupid Prussia! Now Switzerland hates me and then he'll make sure Liechtenstein will hate me too!

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