[Fluff] Prohibited Passion ~ China X Reader

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Notes: Normal Universe!

[Warning: Implied Sex and abuse.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I roamed the forest that I had grown to love. My dress flowed and I smiled as I felt the wind against my cheeks.

I soon came across a man and I froze. He sat under a tree, his eyes were closed and I guessed he was sleeping.

Quietly I sat down beside him. The rules in my land would have forbid me but no one was here and I hated them anyway.

I gazed at the sleeping man curiously. His hair was long that was in a ponytail. He wore interesting clothing. I had seen it before at the markets. I soon gazed at his hands that were wrapped in bandages. They looked almost delicate but I could see the healing cuts on some of his fingers. Not by cooking. But by wars.

I looked up to his face. His lips were slightly parted from his steady breathing. He had a youthful complexion yet something told me he was much older that he looked.

Almost like me...

Maybe the man was a nation?

His breathing hitched, alerting me he was waking up. His eyes opened to reveal warm amber coloured eyes. He shouted in shock as he noticed me. "Aiya!" He exclaimed, jumping slightly away. "Oh sorry! I must have scared you. Sorry. I didn't want to wake you though. You seemed so peaceful." I said apologetically. He calmed himself quickly. "It is okay. It was just a scare. Nothing serious." He said. I smiled. "That's good."

We were silent before I broke the quiet atmosphere. "My name is Itain. It is nice to meet you." I said, thinking this was the best way to stop the silence. "Oh! My name is China. Nice to meet you also. You're a nation too I presume? I've heard of your land before." He said. My eyes lit up. "Yes I am! You're a nation as well! I haven't met many nations." I said excitedly. "Can I ask why you were napping here?" I asked. He chuckled awkwardly. "I was just resting since I needed to get away from my leaders for a little bit. This seemed like a nice spot since the forest is so beautiful." Said China looking at the forest around us. I couldn't help the huge bright blush that appeared on my cheeks. This was technically part of my land that I represented and he called it beautiful... "Y-yeah I like this forest t-too..." I squeaked. He looked back at me and looked at me worried. "Aiya, Are you okay? You look all red." Said China worried. I blushed even more. "I'm okay... It's just that... This forest is part of my land..." I said softly embarrassed. He soon clicked on and blushed slightly himself. "Oh! I... Well it wasn't a lie. You are also beautiful too and I'm sure the rest of your nation is just as beautiful." Complimented China flustered but smiling. My eyes widened and I covered my face. "Aaaaaah! Why am I blushing! This is so embarrassing!" I whined flustered. China chuckled and my blush worsened. "Why is it embarrassing? Don't you get all these comments all the time?" He asked. I calmed down a bit and I shrugged shyly. "Yes but not as genuine as you said it. Many... Suitors try and woo me for Alliances but they only want to take from me and my people." I explained still blushing slightly. He blinked in surprise, his blushing worsened slightly. "I-I see..."

We were quiet before China started talking to me. We chatted a little. I liked him. He was a nice nation.

We jumped as a voice rang out through the trees.

"Itain! Where are you! I swear if you don't get back soon- ugh!"

I winced at the harsh voice of my boss. I looked to China. "I'm sorry. I have to go. My boss..." I said sadly. "It's okay. Can we meet again? Here?" I smiled. I nodded. "Tomorrow!" "Shì! Of course!" "ITAIN!" I whimpered quietly. "Goodbye!" "See you Tomorrow!"

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