[NSFW] Accidental Affection ~ South Italy X Reader

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Human AU.
Note: You're Germany and Prussia's younger sister. You're friends with Italy but you've never met Romano or heard of his name, you've only heard stories, and vis versa with him.

[Warning: Smut and Mature Language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I sat next to Feliciano as he told me and my brothers a story. "And then Fratello went nuts at the guy! I had to drag him out of there before he did anything illegal." Exclaimed Feliciano. "Wow. I never knew you had such a crazy brother Feli." I said. "Sì. But he hates Ludwig and Gilbert." Said Feliciano. "He does?" I said. "Ja. Ludwig is Potato Bastard and I'm Potato Bastard Number Two." Said Gilbert. "What? But you two aren't Bastards!" I exclaimed. "Sì but he very much dislikes them." Said Feliciano. "But he barely knows them!" I exclaimed. "It's fine. We've grown used to it. No need to get mad Kleine Schwester." Said Ludwig. I huffed. "It's not fair though. If I ever meet him, I would give him a piece of my mind!" I exclaimed.

Yeah.... Give him a piece of my mind? I sure did.

I sat at the bar in a club. It was late. Gilbert had pissed me off about me being a virgin and being too wimpy to not getting a boyfriend and getting laid. So I came out to had a drink or two to calm my nerves. "Give me a beer please." I said to the barman. He nodded and handed me one as I payed him. "That's pretty strong for a ragazza like you." Commented a man next to me. I turned to see a handsome man with hazel eyes that had little specks of green in them. Oh An Italian? I knew from the Italian word. Feliciano calls me that from time to time. "Oh? For your information mister, I have a very high level of tolerance to alcohol." I said grinning. He flashed a smile back. Oh he is hot.  He leaned on the bar, his shirt slightly open at the top. I chewed my bottom lip. He is tempting... I took a swig of beer. This'll help me loosen up. "So what brings you to this club, Bella?" Asked the stranger. "Brother pissed me off by teasing me about my virginity." I said honestly. He raised his eyebrows. "Virginity? That's impossible." Said the man. I chuckled. "Never could find a guy that I would be willing to give it to. Either they would be to selfish and cocky or obliviously bad. My brother just doesn't understand how precious it can be." I said shrugging. "Sì. That is very understandable Bella. Though I am surprised you aren't taken." Said the man. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?" "Well, you are an exquisite woman who is very very sexy and beautiful." Complimented the stranger who took a sip of his drink giving a flirtatious look over his glass. I blushed. "Thank you. You're not that bad yourself." I flirted giving him a wink as I took another swig of beer. He chuckled. "Grazie." He said. "So what brings you to this club? I've told you my story, now it's your turn." I said. "Ah it's very similar to your story Bella. I visited my Fratello and he was being an idiota and kept asking when I was going to get a ragazza to date. Came here to cool off." Said the man. "I see." I said. We continued to chat. I liked this man. He was handsome and didn't treat me like some prize to be won. He was also very charming. We flirted and ranted. I was no good at science but we had good chemistry. I only had the one drink. It helped me loosen up but I still had a clear mind.

"So Bella, when am I going to learn your name?" Asked the Italian. I smirked. "Only if you tell me yours." I said. "Lovino. How about you?" "(Y/n), but you can call me yours." I flirted. He chuckled. "Such pretty name." He commented. I blushed. "Yours isn't so bad either." I said. "I wouldn't mind screaming it." I flirted. That took his slightly off guard. His cheeks went red slightly. "Oh? Who knew you could be so bad." Purred Lovino, leaning forward. I bit my lip and grinned. "That's just the tip of the iceberg Lovino." I flirted as I leaned closer. "Is it now?" Teased Lovino. I smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know..." I teased. He smirked. "I would. Perhaps..." He leaned closer, a hand tracing up my thigh. "Perhaps we can leave this place and you can show me?" Suggested Lovino. I bit my lip and blushed. "Take me away and make me yours." I said. He pounced on me, his other hand tangling in my hair as he smashed his lips against mine roughly. I moaned at the contact, kissing back as my hand tangled in his hair. We broke apart for air, panting. "Mine or yours?" Panted Lovino. "Yours. I live with my brothers." I panted. He nodded and dragged me out the bar by the hand. He took me to his car and we got inside it. I started kissing down his jaw and neck. "Fuck. Bella, I'll never start the car if you don't stop." Groaned Lovino. I whined as I pulled away. He started his car and we speeded down the road. I heard him panting and muttering Italian under his breath. By the sound of it, It was nothing innocent.

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