[Fluff] Sexual Tension ~ Prussia X Reader

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Notes: NYOTALIA! Also You and Chiara are friends.

[Warning: Mature Language and Implied Sex]
(Y/n)'s POV

I grumbled to myself as I focused on my paperwork as everyone chatted about since the meeting had ended. I couldn't help my eyes wandering up to stare at the albino woman opposite me who sat on the table. She snickered with Francine and Carmen. "Oh please! I could so take on anyone who challenged me that type of contest Francine!" Laughed Julchen. "I mean look at my fucking legs! Do these look sexy or what?" Julchen lifted her legs on to the table and blood rushed to my face while my stomach twisted and my heart thumped in my chest. Ugh I hated feeling like this. I had no idea what was wrong with me. This always happened and it bothered me so much!

Francine smirked and Carmen chuckled. I saw Julchen look confused before she turned around, my eyes flashed back on my paperwork. I heard her snicker. "Look whose getting jealous at how much more sexy I am of her." Teased Julchen. "Itain always stares at you when you aren't looking." Teased Francine. I looked up and saw Julchen's face go red slightly. I rolled my eyes as I continued to do my paperwork. "As if." I muttered. "Aw c'mon Kleiner Hase! Just admit it! You're jealous that I'm sexier than you, the old nation who never has fun and always does boring paperwork." Exclaimed Julchen. I rolled my eyes again as I packed my paperwork away and got up. "Hmm. Says the nation who still lives in her younger sister's basement who still writes in her little journal like a high schooler and is actually older than me historically while physically I'm only older by a year." I retorted. "Also why would I be jealous of you Julchen? Pfft you don't know the half of the things I could do. I can make a man beg on his knees without even taking anything off." I smirked as I swayed my hips while I walked off. "Chiara! We walking together again?" I asked. She nodded and I smiled. I linked my arm with hers and we walked off.

We headed to bar that Julchen and her buddies had yet to find out about. "Honestly you should of seen potato bitch's face when you walked off. You were on fire today." Said Chiara as we got our drinks. I smirked. "I don't get why she thinks I'm jealous. I'm have a great self esteem! No one can get me down! It confuses me so much..." I said taking a sip of my drink. "What I don't get is your constant staring at her. What makes her so damn interesting that you stare at her all the time?" Asked Chiara as she took a sip. I shrugged. "I dunno. It's like I have no control over myself when I do. She makes me feel weird and I always have these strange thoughts about her. Today I called her a goddess in my head while getting irritated by the feelings." I said. Chiara coughed, almost choking but regained herself. "Excuse me?" She said. I rolled my eyes. "You heard me. It's weird. Like my face gets all hot and my heart started beating faster and my stomach twists when ever she does something like smirk or do that ridiculous pose of resting her leg up on something while leaning on it." I huffed. "And you think that's a bad thing?" "Yeah? Is it?" I took a sip of my drink. "It's fucking worse! You're fucking in love with her and your stomach twisting is called fucking sexual desire you idiota!" Exclaimed Chiara throwing her arms into the air. I spit the liquid back in the glass. "Wait what?! Excuse me?! I'm- Holy shit no! She's the enemy though!" I exclaimed. "This is bad. So fucking bad. We gotta get you to hate her! It's the only way!" Exclaimed Chiara. I furrowed my eyebrows together and grunted. "What?" "My chest hurts all of a sudden." "SHIT! Heartbreak?! You're doomed. Rest in peace my fellow bitch. You're too far gone." Said Chiara soon resting her head on the bar. "I'm so screwed." "Sì. You are."

We were silent, the bar going on like usual.

"Isn't Julchen straight?"

Chiara shot up.

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