[Fluff] Do you love us? ~ Germany/Holy Rome X Reader X Italy

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Notes: GERMANY IS HOLY ROME IN THIS. Also Polyamorous Relationship!!!!

[Warning: Implied Attack. Rape is hinted but not inexplicably or explicitly said.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I was young. I was full of love. I was naive.

I was a young nation under the control of Austria. I was in a male maid outfit and I looked boyish with my short hair. Ms Hungary liked to dress me in boy's clothes despite me being a girl. I didn't mind. Italy was in the same predicament as me. He currently was in a maid's dress and looked girlish with his high pitched voice and hair longer than a boy would have it usually. I often would catch myself accidentally calling him a girl in my head sometimes. Though I'd remember and fix it. We were humming as we swiped our brooms on the floor. "Ita-Ita! Let's sing the song!" I giggled. "Sì!" Exclaimed Italy. We started singing a song we dubbed our Ita' Song. When he would sing; "I am Italia!", I would sing; "And I am Itain!". My voice was lower than his so I would hit the low notes and he would hit the high notes. It was fun. We giggled as we finished singing. We often chatted as we worked. Neither of us liked the food we were usually given and we'd often get caught trying to find something to eat. He was kind, nice, cute and fun.

I was in love with Italy but I wasn't only in love with him.

I looked up and grinned. "Hiya Holy Rome!" I greeted the nation who was hiding at the door. He froze up. "U-um Hello Itain, Italy..." Greeted Holy Rome nervously as he walked over to us. Italy beamed a smile. "Ciao Holy Rome!" Greeted Italy. "Were you listening to us sing?" I asked. He froze and blushed as he looked at me. "U-uh yes... You t-two sing v-very well..." Stuttered Holy Rome. Italy and I giggled. "Grazie!" Exclaimed Italy. Holy Rome's blush darkened. "Do you sing Holy Rome?" I asked. He spluttered into nervous stutters. "I-I-I d-d-do s-slightly-y..." Stuttered Holy Rome. I squealed alongside Italy. "Sing for us!" We exclaimed. He gulped and nodded. He started singing in another language. It sounded like a lullaby. His voice was shaky from his nerves but soothing and low. I smiled and closed my eyes. I leaned on my broom slightly as I listened to him sing. When he finished, Italy and I clapped. "You're really good Holy Rome!" We exclaimed. He blushed and looked down. "Th-thank you..." He stuttered.

Holy Rome was so adorable and shy.

I was in love with him too.

Italy and Holy Rome were the two I truly loved.

Time Skip
I hummed as I sat in the hill with Italy. We finally had a break. Italy was drawing as we chatted. "Italy? Can I ask you something?" I asked lying on my back to look at him. "Sì? What is it?" He asked curiously. "Is it possible to be in love with more than one person? Perhaps two?" I asked. He nodded. "I would believe so. Love doesn't have a limit." Said Italy. I smiled and stared at the blue sky. "Can I tell you a secret?" I asked. "Of course." Said Italy. I closed my eyes. "I love you and Holy Rome." I confessed softly. He squeaked and I opened my eyes to see him blushing. "You do?" He asked. "Yeah." I admitted. He smiled and giggled. "This is a coincidence because I love you too and I love Holy Rome!" Giggled Italy. I smiled and laughed. "You do?" I said happily. "Sì!" Cheered Italy. We giggled for a few moments before calming down. We were comfortably silent. "Italy? Do you think Holy Rome feels the same to us? I'm pretty sure he feels that way to you because he's always asking you to become part of his empire." I said. "Maybe. But I do think he feels the same to you. He's always stuttering and blushing." Said Italy. I nodded taking in the information. I thought for moment. "Why don't we ask him?" I asked. "Sì. We should." Agreed Italy.

Speak of the devil...

I saw Holy Rome walking over to us and he held two canvases. "Hiya Holy Rome!" I greeted. "Ciao!" Greeted Italy. "G-Greetings Itain, Italy." Greeted Holy Rome with a small stutter. "U-uh Italy c-could you teach me how to paint!" Exclaimed Holy Rome holding out a blank canvas. We giggled and he blushed. "Of course!" Exclaimed Italy. "May I watch and learn?" I asked. "S-Sure..." Said Holy Rome. I watched as Italy taught Holy Rome how to draw and paint. "Now that I taught you the basics, you can try to draw and paint whatever!" Exclaimed Italy. Holy Rome nodded. "Try meeee!" I squealed, sitting up. "O-okay... I sh-shall t-try..." Stuttered Holy Rome. "Oh Can I?" Asked Italy. I smiled and nodded as I sat in front of the two as they drew me. I hummed as I sat still for them.

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