[Fluff] More to Love ~ Germany X Reader

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Request By Random_Teenager1

Notes: Normal Au and Chubby Reader!
Also Dayana is the reader's middle name!

[Warning: Mature Language kinda and talk of weight]

(Y/n)'s POV
I knocked the door before letting myself in. "Hey Ludwig! You in?" I called. I heard a familiar voice curse in German and some noise from the kitchen. I giggled and headed into house, soon finding Ludwig in the kitchen. He had a bright pink frilly apron on that said "Kiss the Cook" and his hair wasn't gelled back like usual. His face flushed as he ignored my small giggle. I could see he was baking.

"Gilbert threw my normal aprons into the fireplace..." Muttered Ludwig. I smiled. "Remind me to thank him." I joked, winking. He grumbled embarrassed and I chuckled. I could see a hint of a smile as he continued to focus.

"So what're you making?" I asked. I was one of the only ones that knew Ludwig's baking ability. "I'm making your favourite." He muttered. My eyes lit up. "Angel Cookies!" I squealed. He chuckled quietly as he focused on his baking. "Can I help?" I asked. He nodded and I rolled up my sleeves with a wide smile on my face.

I didn't notice the soft smile that he sent my way.

Time Skip
I chuckled as I chatted with Ludwig, munching on the Angel Cookies we baked. Ludwig was currently telling me the situations that Gilbert has got himself in. I laughed and the back of my hand went over my mouth in instinct while my other arm covered my stomach. He chuckled slightly. I smiled.

"West you will not believe what happened!" Exclaimed Gilbert, storming into the house. My mood lowered just a little.

The albino raised an eyebrow at us as he walked into the living room to see us. "You made Angel Cookies and didn't tell me!?" Exclaimed Gilbert childishly. I chuckled as Ludwig sighed, rolling his eyes at his older brother's childishness. "I had a feeling you would act like this. There's some in the kitchen." He sighed. Ludwig had kept some on a plate in the kitchen for Gilbert, knowing that the Prussian would whine. Gilbert grinned and ran off to the kitchen. Ludwig sighed.

"I better make sure he doesn't make a mess of the kitchen." Said Ludwig getting up. "Need any help?" I asked. He shook his head. "Why don't you have the rest of the cookies?" Said Ludwig. "You sure you don't want anymore?" I asked.

"I'm sure... I made them for you anyway..." He said, muttering the last statement before he ran off. My face flushed red and I smiled shyly. He made them for me? I chuckled. Gilbert walked into the living room after Ludwig kicked him out to clean.

Gilbert sat down and I was very quiet, nibbling on an Angel Cookie. "I can't believe he only left 4 cookies for me! He's letting you have them all!.... And you clearly don't need it..." Said Gilbert. His tone was loud and childish at the start however, the last statement was quiet. Quiet enough that Ludwig wouldn't hear. I pretended that I didn't hear him.

He made comments like that often. Always commenting about my weight. I wasn't the biggest person (or nation) but I wasn't the skinniest. Part of the reason I was chubby was because of the overall weight of the majority of my population. It wasn't my fault.

I sighed, finishing the cookie as my appetite went away. Ludwig walked back in and my stomach twisted uncomfortably. My usual insecurities popped up in my head. He'd never love a chubby girl.

"Sorry Ludwig, I've got to go." I said, getting up. He looked disappointed slightly. "Why?" Asked Ludwig. "I just remembered that I have lots of paperwork that my boss gave me. Sorry. I'll visit again soon or I'll see you at the next meeting!" I said, as we moved to the door. "Alright. Safe travels." He said, opening the door for me. We were hidden from Gilbert's view. "Thank you. I'll see you later. Bye." I said, kissing his cheek like I did usually. His face flushed very slightly. "Tschüss." He mumbled as I left.

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