[Fluff] Redeeming Romance ~ France X Reader

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Requested By: Random_Teenager1
Notes: Human Au and High School Au. Also Bully X reader I guess.

[Warning: Mature language and mentioning of bullying with a slight bit of it actually happening.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I hugged my jacket closer as I walked down the hall, sighing.

Everyone knew me and I knew them. I was the outsider. The one that heard everything but did nothing. I didn't have friends and I didn't talk to anyone. I glanced sideways, my eyes checking for danger. I stopped walking as I looked forward.

Flight, Fight or Freeze?

Laughs rang from the group of boys. They were getting closer.


I spun round on my heel to run only to slip and fall back, my bag and books flying up to crash on me. I groaned. Damn the weak grip these shoes have on marble floor.

I sat up when the ones I had been avoiding came around the corner.

A group of boys, three to be exact. The notorious Bad Touch Trio. They got their name from bullying weak kids and flirtatious natures. I got a bit of teasing here and there from them but not as bad as some. I didn't like how they harassed other students but I would never voice my thoughts. I didn't want to be their next punching bag.

One boy was an albino. That was Gilbert Beilschmidt. He was the obnoxious mean one. Single but in an on and off relationship with the Austrian Music Student Roderich. Some say they're just fuck buddies but some say they're in love but they're both too stubborn to admit it really. Nobody would mess with Gilbert though. Especially since his little brother Ludwig was built like a moose and he himself was somebody who'd come out a fight, only a little bit bruised while the other would be bloody and broken. He was the one who initiates the bullying on somebody.

Another boy was the brunette. The sunshine of the group called Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. Taken by the school's Italian hot head Lovino Vargas. (I caught them making out once in the supply closet. I ran off and said nothing since they didn't see me. I did not want to get on either boy's bad side) Antonio was really sweet but don't mistake his sunshine for niceness. If you wronged him, oh boy. You're doomed. He joined in with most of the teasing and on rare occasions, he'd join in a fight depending if he liked them or not.

And last but not least. The blond boy. Francis Bonnefoy. He was the flirtatious, seductive one. Single too. All the girls and some guys would throw themselves at his feet. He's been with most of the students here. (Not me though) Some say he's the kinkiest. Some say he's the sweetest. Some even say that he's the strongest and roughest in bed compared to the other boys (which is a surprise as he's got less muscle than them). He partook in the teasing but if it came to violence, he's out of there. (Since he says he is a Lover, not a fighter) He often cheers his friends on though.

I sighed. I knew they could be kind. I knew they could be better. We used to go to the same school as kids. It wasn't until we got to high school was it when they became like this. I hated them like this. Gilbert used to be compassionate, Antonio used to be kind and Francis used to be sweet and innocent.

They got closer and saw me, instantly snickering. I sighed and started sorting my stuff out. "Oh look. She's so stupidly clumsy." Snickered Gilbert. I casted my eyes down, my tired face flushing in shame and embarrassment. "Oh shush Gil. She clearly knows that. Why'd you think she's so silent?" Chuckled Antonio. "Maybe she's mute?" Chuckled Francis.

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