[Fluff] What Is Love? ~ France X Reader

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(Baby don't hurt me~ Don't hurt me, no more~)
Notes: You aren't related to any nation. When you were created/born, you were alone for a long time so you have very little knowledge on feelings.

[Warning: One swear, alcohol and if the mention of a lace bra is bad then here it is with the warnings just in case.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I walked down the hall on my way to the conference room, desperately trying to avoid a certain nation. My suit trousers and suit jacket hugged me in any way to make sure I looked unattractive as possible. I had my hair up in two uneven buns to keep up the unattractive look. I was wearing no makeup either, the bags under my eyes clear for all to see.

I kept my head down because I hated being seen like this yet I felt it was my only way to avoid attention from the nation I was avoiding.

"Itain! How are you?" Greeted-

My breathing hitched and I took in a deep breath. My heart pumped fast as it always irritably did when I heard his voice. My plan failed again as it always did. I let out the air in my lungs. The nation's name on my lips.


I was drunk. So very drunk. I was drowning my feelings in alcohol after a world conference meeting so I sat there in my work shirt and trousers. I heard a group tumble into the pub while I sighed. I was so confused about myself. Why did he make me feel this way?

"Mon amie? Are you alright?" I turned to see France. Behind him was Prussia and Spain. My heart fluttered as heat rose to my cheeks. "I'm fiiiiine. I'm just peachy." I slurred with no care. "Drunk. You're drunk." "No shit Sherlock." I puffed my cheeks. "Mind confiding in me? What's the problem?" Asked France worried. I rolled my eyes. "It's not a proooooblem! I'm just confuuuused about shit." I slurred raising my pint, the glass tipping in my drunkenness for the liquor to pour onto my white shirt accidentally. I gasped in surprise, before giggling. "Whoopsie daisy!" I giggled. I heard Prussia whistle at me. "Looking like you hide certain things at the conference Frau!" Whistled Prussia as the trio had a clear look through my now see through shirt to see my white lace bra. France chuckled as he threw his jacket over my shoulders to cover me.

"So, what's making you so confused? You know you can confide in me." Said France gently, trying to be kind. I puffed my cheeks. "It your fault! You're the one making me confused!" I huffed. He looked confused. "I do not know what you mean. Care to elaborate? Is this why you always avoid me?" He asked. I sighed. "You make me feel all fuzzy inside. And my heart always beats faster around you." I huffed. His cheeks reddened. "Haven't you ever thought to consider it being love?" He asked. I shrugged. "Everyone says love is a feeling you like but I hate it. Well I hate all my feelings so that might be a factor." I admitted before yawning. "You're tired mon amie. Let me guide you home." Said France. I shrugged and nodded. "If you want." I slurred.

"Boys, I'm just going to get this lady home so you all start without me."

Time Skip ~
I tumbled down the street, my keys swinging in my hand and France's jacket over my shoulders. "This is my stop!" I exclaimed as we stood outside my house. "Let me help you get in." Offered France as he took the keys out my hand and unlocked the door. I stumbled into the house, yawning while taking my keys that France returned to me. "Here's you jacket back." I slurred as I handed it back to him. "Merci." "France?" "Hmm? Oui?" "How do I know of what I'm feeling is love?" France froze and thought for a second. "Well... Everyone feels love differently. So everyone would do different things. I for one would try and keep the one I love safe and happy." Said France. I nodded. "France?" "Oui?-Mmhp!" I leaned up to him and took his lips in a kiss. His violet blue eyes widened in surprise as his cheeks reddened. I pulled away, my eyes glazed over from the alcohol and my cheeks red from panting as I took in needed air. "You're a good kisser." I panted. "Even drunk, you are too." Commented France shocked. I giggled. "I want another." I giggled leaning up and taking another kiss. This time he closed his eyes and kissed back hesitantly. I soon pulled back and smiled drunkenly. "Je t'aime... I... I have to confess Itain that I love you. I hope what you told me was love." Whispered France, his eyes closed. I blushed and smiled. He opened his eyes and sighed. "Good night Itain. Sleep well Mon cher." He said softly, the back of his hand brushing against my cheek before he pulled away.  "Good night France." I slurred before pulling away to shut the door.

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