[NSFW] Alpha Attachment ~ Prussia X Reader

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Omegaverse AU

Note: Nations are still Nations. You're an Omega. Prussia is obviously Alpha.

[Warning: Mature Language and Smut.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I closed my door and went to put away my groceries. My heat was due next week. Yet, from past experiences and paranoia, I made sure to stock up early and sort the nest early. After putting away my stuff, I felt the urge to sort my nest. Huh. That's unusual. I usually only had that urge at least two days before my heat was due. I shook it off and went upstairs to sort my nest. I sighed as I picked up clean towels, blankets and bed sheets on my way. I placed them at the cabinet at the end of the nest. I crawled onto my nest and began to sort it out to my liking. I resisted the sudden urge to roll around in it. Ugh. I hate being an omega. I jumped at the sound and vibration of my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled. I answered it.

"Hey Frau!" Exclaimed Gilbert. I chuckled. "Sup Gil." I said. "How was the unawesome World meeting?" Asked Gilbert. "Extremely Unawesome." I said. "Ouch. Let me guess, Francis and Arthur were arguing, Alfred tries to butt in and they called him a Fatass, Alfred goes to his sad corner and Ivan tries to talk to him only for Alfred and him to start arguing, Yao says something about western customs and then they all are arguing and then Ludwig gets pissed and yells at them to shut up?" Said Gilbert. "That is exactly what happened. You must be physic." I said. He laughed. I shivered and blushed. God damn that laugh. "I might be." Teased Gilbert. I chuckled. "We still on for tomorrow?" I asked. "You sure it doesn't mess with your cycle?" Asked Gilbert.

One of the pros with Gilbert was that he was open about natural things like an Omega's Cycle. Unlike most Alpha's who wouldn't talk about it at all, only with their mate, He made sure that my cycle was going smoothly, getting me extra groceries, taking my place for world meetings etc. He even had it noted for when it was supposedly due much to my embarrassment. Most didn't think he would be like that from his obnoxious exterior but if you got to know him, he's actually pretty nice and caring. Both sides of me had fallen for him. Who couldn't? To me, he was the perfect Alpha. Yeah so what, he's a bit obnoxious and loud? That what's made him, well him!

"Yeah I'll be fine. Tomorrow is an exact week before my heat. That's way too early." I said. "You sure? I've heard heats can be early like that." Said Gilbert. I smiled at his concern. "I'll be fine. Yeah it can be early but it's only been one or two days early, not a whole seven days. I'll be fine for tomorrow." I said. "Alright then. If you say so Frau." Said Gilbert. "So we still on for it?" I asked. "Ja! Meet at the fountain at the park? Ten o'clock?" Said Gilbert. "Yep!" I said. He chuckled. "I say we go to the fair that came yesterday. It's here all month." Suggested Gilbert. I smiled. "Sure." I said. "Great! It's a date! Bye!" The phone cut off. Wait...

I almost dropped my phone. A date?! My normal and omega side were freaking out. Oh my lord, does that mean he's interested in me? Does he want to pursue me as his mate?! Does he like me?! My omega side was about to explode. I took a deep breath and calmed down. I smiled. A date with Gilbert? That was unexpected. I smiled and went downstairs to continue my daily routine.

I got ready for bed. I suddenly had the urge to wear the shirt I stole off Gilbert when we were at the beach and loads of alphas had been trying to get at me that he used it to cover me. I sighed and simply gave in to the urge. Not bothering with underwear because what's the point? I slipped into my bed and smiled. His scent filled my senses. It was calming and soothing. I sighed as I closed my eyes, letting sleep consume me.

I don't remember the dream but all I knew from it was that Gilbert was there. His cocky grin was prominent through it all. The second thing I realised when I awoke was that, it wasn't just any dream. It was a heat induced dream. I panted as I felt my body overheat with need. Crap. I checked the time. 9:30 am. I whined. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep. I soon awoke again at the sound of my phone. I sluggishly grabbed my phone and answered it, putting on speaker so I could simply lay it on my bed. I lay on my side to make sure my voice got to it. A string of need rang through me as I recognised the voice. "(Y/n)? Where are you? It's almost ten minutes past ten. Did you sleep in?" Said Gilbert. I shuddered as I felt my hand creeping up my leg from the sound of his voice. "G-Gil..." I stuttered, panting. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" Asked Gilbert. I whined as my fingers sunk into my core. "Gil... Please..." I whimpered as I let myself go at a soft pace. "What is it? Are you sad? C'mon you know I can't detect what's wrong through a phone. I have to be able to catch you scent." Said Gilbert. My heat had overwhelmed me, I had little control of my actions. His voice was too much! I bit my lip. "Gilbert... P-please...." I whispered. "What's wrong? Tell me." Said Gilbert. I panted, trying to keep as much control as I could. "C'mon. I won't know unless you tell me." I had heard that my dream. Maybe not in the same context but words were words. I suddenly moaned loudly. "G-Gil!" I whined. He was quiet. "Frau... Are you... In Heat?" Asked Gilbert. I whimpered. "Gil... Gilbert... I... Please..." I whined. "You're in heat." Muttered Gilbert to himself. "D-don't stop...." I moaned. "Don't stop...? Don't stop talking?" Asked Gilbert. I whimpered. "Gilbert... Yes..." I whispered. "I... Alright Frau." Said Gilbert. I heard him start walking, most likely to a more secluded spot. "What do you want me to say?" Asked Gilbert. I shuddered. "Anything... Nngh Gilbert..." I moaned. "Anything? So if I told you stuff about taxes or something,  I'd still help?" Asked Gilbert. I could hear an almost teasing side to that. I whimpered. "Y-yes..." I whimpered. "Just the sound of my voice helps?" "Yes... G-Gilbert..." Then those words did it. "Naughty Frau." Purred Gilbert. I moaned loudly. "Gilbert..." "Why don't you tell me what you're doing?" Said Gilbert. I whimpered. "I-I... I've got... My fingers..." I stuttered.  "How many?" I almost forgot for a moment. "T-two..." I whimpered. "How fast?" He asked. "S-slow.... G-Gil... Please..." I heard him growl. It sounded feral, dangerous but oh lord. "They're not enough?" I bit my lip, closing my eyes. "No... Nngh N-need... I need..." I panted. "What is it?" Asked Gilbert. I cursed. "D-damn it... G-Gil... You... I n-need you..." I confessed. "H-huh?!" I whimpered as I stopped any motions. I took a deep breath. "Gilbert. Th-this is going to be the clearest I can think for now so listen up care-carefully." I started. "Okay..." "I want you Gilbert. I've want you to be my Alpha. L-look... I understand if you don't want me. But I've gotta t-tell you before my heat overwhelms me again is that I'm... In love with you. N-now if you weren't playing with my emotions yesterday by asking me on a date, get your ass over here and help me. Nngh. You hear? I... Fuuuck G-Gil..." I whimpered as my heat took over again. My hand started moving again, however faster as my body couldn't take the slow pace anymore. I moaned. "G-Gilbert... Gilbert... Nngh... Aah..." I moaned completely forgetting about my phone. My eyes were closed tightly, the scent from his shirt I was wearing making it too much. My heat making me imagine things I shouldn't ever say out loud. "G-Gilbert.... AaaAh! Please!" I cried. My free hand gripped the sheets. "F-Frau...?" Stuttered Gilbert. I whimpered at his voice. I moaned loudly. I heard him growl. "Fuck it. You almost there Liebling?" Said Gilbert. I heard him start walking. I whimpered. "Y-yes...P-please Gil..." I whined. "Do you need it?" "F-fuck.. Y-yes G-Gil..." I whimpered. "C'mon. You can do it. I know you can." Whispered Gilbert. I shuddered. Close. Fuck. Too close. "N-need... G-Gilbert... I need..." I whined. "Pretend. I'm there. Holding you close. You're close. Very close." Whispered Gilbert. I moaned, my body wanting to curl up. "G-Gil... Gilbert.." I whimpered, my body was almost there. "Go on Liebling. Just let go... I'm right there." Whispered Gilbert. It was instantaneous. I cried out as my climax hit my weak body. "G-Gilbert!" I panted as I collapsed all together. I was silent, simply panting as I pulled myself together. "Gilbert..." I whined tiredly. My head cleared slightly making me realise he wasn't there holding me. "Sleep Liebling. I'll be there soon." Said Gilbert. I mumbled an 'okay' before I passed out.

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