[NSFW] Russian Lovin' ~ Russia X Reader

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Requested by Pickatoastalo

Notes: Omegaverse Au and you understand Russian.

[Warning: Sex and mature language]

(Y/n)'s POV
I hummed as I finished paperwork just as Germany ended the meeting. Finally!

I sighed happily as I got up, mentally deciding that tonight would be a 'me' night. I deserved it after how much work I had finally done.

Still though, the meeting had been pretty weirder than usual. Many mateless alphas had been fidgeting during it. I turned at the familiar presence behind me.

"Russia! So nice to see you!" I exclaimed. I was not afraid of Russia unlike some of the other nations. I could be just as scary as him and we were equal in strength, despite my appearance. I was kinda creeped out by his little sister Belarus though... That alpha had it in her head that she would be with Russia. Which was impossible for two reasons. They were siblings. And that they were both alphas. (Ukraine was an omega like me.) Also I kinda had a soft spot for the Russian. I have a huge crush on the guy. Also other than the fact that every time I saw him, my instincts screamed at me that he was my perfect mate. Embarrassing.

"Good to see you too. I'm surprised you attended the meeting today. Very bold move." Said Russia. I raised an eyebrow. "Of course I would. Why wouldn't I?" I asked. "Because you're about to go into heat." "Yes well that wouldn't- wait wait wait. Did you say I'm about to go into heat?" I asked, alarmed. He cocked his head to the side. "Of course. Have you not noticed? Practically every alpha without a mate could smell your pre-heat scent. Even Belarus stopped stalking me for the whole thing. You smell very nice though." Said Russia. I whined and huffed. "God damn it. Of course I forget about my bloody heat. I probably forgot because of work." I sighed, starting to feel the familiar and unwelcome crawl of heat. I gulped but tried to keep the fact that I didn't noticed my own signs.

"Well that is not good. I should probably make sure you get home in case some random alpha tries to grab you. Do not worry, I will not try anything." Said Russia, taking my arm. I smiled at him. "Thank you Russia. That's very kind of you." He smiled, something that would have normally scared the nations off but comforted me.

We left the building, Russia's hand in my back steadily. I sighed. "Something wrong?" He asked. "No just, ugh I hate being an omega. You alphas must get it so easy. Ruts only every three months. That's four times a year. And only for 3 days? Man, omegas get it so bad. Heats 12 time a year, monthly, lasting a week or even longer." I complained. Russia nodded. "And it doesn't help that many alphas do not respect omegas. Not even some betas." Said Russia, understandingly. "Exactly. I mean if it wasn't for omegas, those sorry asses wouldn't even be alive today." I huffed.

I glared at an alpha who stared at me lustfully as we walked past. I shuddered, pulling my jacket over my body as I felt my heat get closer. I gulped. "You're scared." Said Russia, rubbing my back comfortingly. I sighed and nodded. "I haven't had time to prepare anything. I probably won't even have enough supplies for the week. I was meant to get more yesterday but I got so busy with paperwork." I said. "Usually I'm so prepared and ready in case for anything but my damn boss dropped a load of work on me this month. Fucking alpha..." I huffed. I caught Russia's soothing scent and relaxed, soon suddenly collapsing to the ground.

I squeaked in shock as Russia caught me from falling back. My face flushed bright red and I whimpered. "Are you okay, dorogaya-" He cut himself and coughed awkwardly. I stared at Russia in surprise. I knew Russian and he had just called me, darling. His face was a little pink from blushing. "I-I'm okay. I just relaxed a little to much from your scent." I admitted flustered. He cleared his throat and suddenly pick me up in his arms. I squeaked and held my bag to my chest. "Russia?" I gulped. "Do not worry. I will simply carry you home since you are too weak to walk, da?" He said. I sighed and nodded. I trusted Russia. He wouldn't try anything. I relaxed and allowed the alpha to carry me home.

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