[Fluff] New Years Special! ~ Scottish Shenanigans ~ Scotland X Reader

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Notes: This isn't a romantic Oneshot. You are Scotland's sister. (Aka You are part of the UK siblings)

Also Happy New Years!

[Warnings: Slight swearing]

(Y/n)'s POV
I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Brother you need to come to a meeting." I sighed.

"Yeah well he won't let me." Huffed my brother.

"Bràthair. That's never stopped you before. Where's your rebellious soul?"

He chuckled.

"Well when you put it like that, I have always loved to rebel against our little brother."

I chuckled.

"So you'll come with me to the meeting?" I asked.

He chuckled, brushing back his fiery hair.

"Aye lass. I'll come with you."

Time Skip
I walked into the meeting room with my brother snickering at a joke I made.

"Itain what are is he doing here?" Asked England freezing up. I grinned. "For the meeting of course." I said. England narrowed his eyes at us.

"Aw don't you won't me here little brother?" Said our brother smirking.


France perked up at the familiar voice and his face lit up. "Écosse!" Exclaimed France happily running over. Scotland chuckled as his old friend hugged him. "Ah Hey Fhraing." Greeted Scotland fondly. England cringed at the growing attention to his Scottish brother.

I chuckled. "I thought It'd be fair for Scotland to come with me to a meeting. He is wanting to be independent." I said honestly. England flinched at the word and sighed. "I guess it is fair." Sighed England walking away in defeat. I sighed. He was so worried that if Scotland gained independence, that he would lose his brother. Silly England. Scotland was his older brother, and he would always be that.

I grinned noticing America and Canada. "Hey boys!" I greeted smiling. They both smiled back. "Sup dudette!" "Bonjour." Greeted the two men. "Have you two ever met my brother Scotland?" I asked. Canada's eyes lit up and America cocked his head to the side. "France told me about him." Said Canada softly. America shrugged. "Well do you two want to meet him?" I suggested. They nodded.

I brought them to where France was eagerly talking to Scotland who was looking at the Frenchman with an amused smile. "Hey Scotland? Do you wanna meet America and Canada?" I asked. The two perked up. "Oh yes you need to meet little Canada!" Exclaimed France running over to Canada. Canada let a awkward smile at the Frenchman hugging him. America chuckled. "Weren't these two former colonies to England?" Asked Scotland. I nodded. "Yeah! I fought for my independence!" Exclaimed America grinning. "I just asked him." Said Canada softly. Scotland raised an eyebrow. "Aye? Really?" Said Scotland. They nodded. Scotland chuckled and sighed.

"Wish it was that easy now." Joked Scotland. They looked confused and France chuckled.

"Well you know England has always been stubborn." Said France. "Aye that's true. That little bugger is stubborn. You used to be like that too France." Chuckled Scotland. France froze up and his face flushed. "Was not!" Exclaimed France puffing his cheeks. Scotland grinned. "You were. All fancy and too stubborn to admit that you were always a pushover." Teased Scotland. "Well you were always so reckless! And that accent of yours! I could barely understand you at the start!" Retorted France crossing his arms. Scotland snickered. "Aye that's because everyone except me had boring 'proper' accents. And it was hilarious when you tried to translate what I was saying." Said Scotland. France's face was on fire. "It was even better when I started getting you to talk like me and you hating it." Chuckled Scotland. "Aye well I'll have you know-" France froze up and Scotland bursted into laughter. "My point exactly!" Laughed Scotland. France huffed in embarrassment. "You're such a buffoon." Muttered France. "That's not what you said when we made an alliance." Said Scotland winking suggestively. France's face went bright red as he began to stutter. I giggled. I hadn't seen France this embarrassed in centuries.

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