I got Tagged!

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Well I just came back from Belgium to find I got tagged! (School History Trip)

So thank you to Spanish_Butts for tagging me and now let's do do the questions first.

1. Full Name
Well you won't get my middle name out of me but My name is Shannon-Marie Wilkinson-Duffy. Legally it's just Duffy but next year I'm changing it to include both my parents' last names.

2. Age
Fifteen. Yep. Mentally I'm like 30.

3. Confession #1
I confess that I have no idea what to confess to.

4. Favourite Food
Potatoes. Buntàta! (That's Scottish Gaelic for Potato)

(I'm sorry Romano-)

5. Sexuality
I'm as bent as a spiral. I'm a lesbian. Gay asf over here.

6. Confession #2
Ummmmm First time I wrote Nsfw stuff was when I was like 12 and it's cringy as hell. Ugh I'm so sorry.

7. Favourite Youtuber
MATPAT! Please tell me I'm not the only one who watched Game and Film Theory.

8. Why?
Game Theory really opened my eyes to how life imitates games and vis versa.

9. Confession #3
I have split my head open three times. Once at my chin, once at my forehead and once at the back of my head. I have a scar on my forehead that I call my Harry Potter scar.

10. Do you ever think of quitting school?
All the time. I'm now in 4th year and legally I could leave but I'm staying as long as I can despite my growing hatred to school.

11. Is someone bullying you at School?
Not at the moment. Though there is still the occasional comment.

12. Confession #4
I am huge fan of Catfish the TV Show.

13. Do You Think You're Beautiful?
Well honestly I don't really think that. Sometimes I'll think I look rather nice but never beautiful.

14. When was the last time you got horny?
Not even answering.

15. Confession #5
I went on a School Trip to Belgium and everyone had to sign a contract so we didn't do anything inappropriate. (Especially since the legal age you can have sex in Belgium is 15)
Technically since I was off school then, I hadn't signed it.
I was still able to go on the trip.
I could have done so much and they wouldn't of been able to do anything.
But I didn't because I'm sensible.

16. Do You Believe in Aliens?

17. What will you do if Aliens invade the Earth?
To be honest, would they even want to? I mean look at all the racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, bigoted people on the planet. They don't want to deal with that.

18. Confession #6
I have a fictional crush on Nyo Germany. Also Nyo Prussia and Nyo Romano and Nyo Spain.

I'm sorry but those four will make me faint!

19. Do you believe in Zombie Apocalypse?
Yes. The potential for it to happen actually lies in Cats.

20. Will you consider being infected or surviving the apocalypse?
I don't want to die. Human nature. I will fight.

And That's all!

My tags will be:

You're welcome ;)

Anyway I gotta go!


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