[NSFW] Truthful Lies ~ Germany X Reader

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[Warning: Mature Themes Ahead. Smut and Mature Language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I screamed as I punch a tree. "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" I screamed. My body shook with anger before sobs rack my body. It was night. I was cold, lost and soaked to the bone. I had been trying to navigate my way to Spain. The thing was, France was on my tail since I was Italian Territory. I've been trying to run to Spain so France didn't take over my land. But I had fallen into a river and had to swim across and now I was off the track to Spain and lost. Since my big brother Romano and Spain were were really close and big brother Veneziano also trusted him, I thought that if I got to them, Spain could protect me. But NO! That won't be happening since I'm cold, scared and lost. I sobbed as I fell to my knees while leaning against the tree.

"Hallo? Is someone there?" Said a male voice. I froze up and whimpered. I saw a light and it flashed at me. I squinted as I curled up. I stared, blinded by the light but obviously scared. "Hallo." Said the man. I couldn't see him but he had a thick accent. I couldn't quite figure out what type of accent though. I whimpered. "Don't hurt me! Please!" I pleaded as I covered my face with my arms. The light went away from my face and I heard the stranger move. I flinched as I felt him touch my arm. I peeked out and I finally saw who he was. He had blond hair that was slicked back and blue eyes. He was wearing a black work out top and cargo pants. And may I just say, He was packed. Like if I hadn't been scared for my life, I would've drooled. I am so attracted to men with muscles. But that's beside the point. But those eyes. As blue as the sea. "I won't hurt you." Said the stranger. German. He was German. That accent was obviously German by the way his w's sounded like v's and how the y's sounded like j's. I relaxed slightly and my arms fell down. His eyes told me everything. He was honest. "Oh Itain! Where are you?" Sang the Frenchman I was running from. I tensed up and clung onto the German. "Help me! Please! France wants my land! Please! I don't know what to do! Help me!" I whispered. He nodded. "Oh there you are!" I whimpered as France came into view. "Go away! Leave me alone!" I whimpered. "Do as the Fräulein says." Said the German standing in front of my curled up form. France froze. "Germany? What are you doing here?" Asked France. This guy was a nation too?! "Well since you're on my land trying to take over the Fräulein, I believe I have every right to be here." Retorted Germany as he stood tall. France gulped. "My apologies Mon amie. I didn't notice I was trespassing. I'll just take Itain and we'll be off!" Said France. I scrambled to my feet, ready to run away. "Nein. She'll be staying." Argued Germany. "Yeah! I'm staying!" I said hastily. France smiled at me. "Oh and why's that?" He asked.

"Uh... Uh... Because I'm... Germany is... He's my boyfriend!" I said without thinking while I clung to his arm. France blinked in surprise. "Boyfriend?" Said France. He didn't believe me. "Ja. That's right. The Fräulein and I are together." Said Germany while he wrapped an arm around my waist. Thank heavens! He went along with the lie. "I don't believe this." Said France. I gasped. "You deny love? I thought you could see it anywhere!" I gasped. France gritted his teeth. That had hit a soft spot. "Oui. I can see it which is why I don't believe that you two are together." Said France smirking. Fuuuuuuck. I glanced at Germany for help. "Is that so? Well then you won't believe that we're actually engaged." Lied Germany. I nodded going along with it. "Yeah! Aw. I was trying to keep it a secret too. Please don't tell my brothers France. I haven't broken the news to them. I can't wait though! Can't you dear?" I said. Germany nodded at me. "Ja. I do hope they approve Liebling." Said Germany. I giggled. "I can't wait! Oh France! I should've worn my ring! It's such a beautiful thing. I wish I could show you!" I said. France gaped at us. "I don't believe it." He muttered. I giggled. "I know. I cried when he proposed. I was so happy!" I exclaimed. "You did Liebling. I was worried I had upset you. I made up for making you cry though." Said Germany with a suggestive tone. I blushed. "Germany! Don't say stuff like that!" I squealed. He chuckled. "Sorry. You're just so irresistible when you blush." Said Germany. I blushed. "Aw Ditto." I said. France coughed awkwardly. "Well my apologies. I'll be going now." Said France. Germany nodded. "We must be going too. I must punish Mein Schatz for leaving my sight." Said Germany as he picked me up and started to walk off. I squealed and blushed. "Germany!" I squealed. I looked over to France. I smiled and waved as we left.

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