[Fluff] Family Funtimes ~ GerIta X Reader [Part 1/3]

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Notes: You are a young nation! Germany and Italy are your parents.

[Warning: Mature Language]

(Y/n)'s POV
I yawned as I cuddled closer to my new father.

"Aw look Luddy! She's already liking you!" Cooed Feliciano. Ludwig looked down and brushed my hair out of my face.

"I guess she is." Said Ludwig. "I can't believe we found this little nation starving by herself. Good thing we found her." Said Feliciano. Ludwig nodded. They were walking steadily. "Let's get her to her new home." Said Feliciano. "Ja."

They walked and I soon fell asleep in the strong arms that held me. These men made me feel safe...

It wasn't long before I woke up and found myself in a room I had never seen. I noticed Feliciano sleeping beside me however he lay above the covers while I was under them.

"Feliciano, you really need to get up-" Ludwig cut himself off seeing me awake. I rubbed my eyes. "Oh you're awake. Are you hungry?" Asked Ludwig. I nodded. "I'll make something to eat. Uh why don't you nap with Feliciano while I cook?" Said Ludwig. I nodded. "Okay." I yawned. Ludwig went away and silently I had already dubbed him as Vati. I lay back down and looked at Feliciano sleeping peacefully. He would be Papà. Papà and Vati. I smiled and fell asleep.

When I awoke again, it was from smell of food. My stomach growled. That smelled so gooooood. I saw Feliciano still lying beside me. I smiled and crawled over to him. I poked his cheek and his face scrunched up. I giggled softly and did it again. He babbled in Italian that I somewhat understood.

"Wakey Wakey." I said patting the nation. He almost woke up. "Wakey Wakey!" I said patting the nation again. "Five more minutes..." Mumbled Feliciano. "No! Wakey Wakey! Food!" I said. He opened one eye at the word food. "Oh? Who's making Food, Bambina?" Said Feliciano. "Vati!" I squealed. He opened his other eye excitedly.

"Who's Vati?" "Luddy!" Feliciano sat up. "And who am I?" "Papà!" He blushed and pulled me in a hug. "Ah! Sì! I'm your Papà! Oh you're so cute!" Cooed Feliciano. I giggled and hugged back. "Well let's go get some food now, shall we?" I nodded and jumped out his arms.

He took my hand and we walked to the kitchen where Ludwig was cooking.

"Luddy! You won't believe what the Bambina called me and you!" Exclaimed Feliciano, picking me up. "Oh? Well, what did she say?" "Bambina, who am I?" "Papà!" "And who is Ludwig?" "Vati!" Ludwig almost dropped whatever he had in his hands before putting them down to cover his face. Feliciano giggled. "There's no need to be embarrassed Luddy. She isn't wrong about us." Teased Feliciano. "That's... weirdly not it. Feliciano she called me Vati." "I know Luddy. I guess we'll both be raising this nation together." Said Feliciano smiling. He sat me on the counter and I watched as Feliciano put an arm around Ludwig. "Ja..." Feliciano hugged Ludwig. Ludwig hugged back. I giggled. "Papà! Vati!" I squealed and stretched for them. The two chuckled. Ludwig moved to me and picked me up. I snuggled closer to him and Feliciano joined the hug.

I love my new family.

Ludwig broke the hug and handed me to Feliciano. "Now, you two wait outside. Food is almost done." Said Ludwig going back to the food. I cheered and Feliciano laughed at my cheer. Feliciano walked off with me before popping his head back in.

"Ludwig?" "Ja?" "Ti amo." Feliciano giggled at the blush erupted on Ludwig's cheeks. "...Ich liebe dich auch." Said Ludwig softly. Feliciano smiled before leaving completely.

Soon we all had food and it was great! It tasted amazing!

"Now, let's find out your name." Said Ludwig. The two sat me down on the couch and knelt in front of me.

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