[Fluff] Summerset Similarities {Part 2/2} ~ South Italy X Reader

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Note: You're still Spain's younger sister.

[Warning: Mature Language and Implied Smut]

(Y/n)'s POV
I fidgeted as I sat next to Lovino as he drove us to the World Meeting Building. Adults we were now. I was going to finally meet his brother. I hadn't ever met him since my brother was in control over my country until about a decade ago. Lovino had independence ages before me however my people had been fine as things were so I hadn't really been bothered about it. I hadn't been to a world meeting as I was sorting my own nation's problems as we gained independence. Lovino had visited me when he could as he had his own nation work and now I was going to my first ever World Meeting and now meeting his younger brother.

"Oi. You're fidgeting again." Said Lovino. I noticed that and stopped. "Sorry." I muttered. He sighed and took one hand and rested on my knee. I held his hand. "My idiotic Fratello will adore you. Stop worrying." Said Lovino. I chuckled weakly. "Yeah I know. You've told me. I'm just nervous. With meeting your brother and going to a world meeting for the first time. Usual shit." I said. He nodded. "Well why don't we talk about something else. Get your mind off that shit. Help calm you." Suggested Lovino. I sighed. "Sure. What should we talk about?" I agreed. "Well I was thinking..." Started Lovino. "Gah never mind it's stupid." I raised an eyebrow. "No what is it?" I asked. He sighed. "I was thinking we could.. I don't know, maybe live together? You know as a couple. Since we've been together for a long time..." Mumbled Lovino. I blinked in surprise. "Really?" I asked. He nodded, keeping his eye on the road. I blushed. "I'd like that if I'm honest..." I muttered. He froze up. "Really!" He yelled in surprise. I shrieked as he suddenly swerved the car. "Gah! Fuck!" He swore as he sorted the car out, his hand leaving mine to hold the wheel. "Fucking hell Lovino!" I squeaked. He blushed. "Ah sorry Amore." He said. I blushed at the term of endearment. Spanish was similar to Italian and I had heard it enough times to figure some things out. "It's alright Lovino. You just scared me a little. Fuck." I said as I calmed down. He grinned awkwardly. I smiled at him. "So... What was it that you were saying?" I asked slyly. He gripped the wheel tightly as he blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about." He feigned innocence. I rolled my eyes. "Yes. My answer is yes Lovino. You idiot. We'll talk more about this later. It's pretty obvious it would be dangerous to talk about while you drive." I teased. He puffed his cheeks in embarrassment. "Shut up." He muttered. I smiled. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Te amo Lovino." I said. He sighed and smiled. He reached over and took my hand. He lifted my hand and kissed the back of my hand. "Ti amo (Y/n)." He murmured. I blushed.

We talked slightly for the rest of the ride. Both of us got extremely bad road rage. "OI! YOU LITTLE FUCKER! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GIVE WAY YOU DICKHEAD!" Screeched Lovino. "BASTARD! WHERE'D YOU LEARN TO DRIVE?!? THE BLIND SCHOOL?!?" I screeched. "FOR FUCKS SAKE!" We screamed. I slumped back into my seat. "I swear these fuckers got their drivers license from a fucking lucky bag." I hissed. "Fucking right you are Amore." Agreed Lovino angrily. "We close yet?" I asked. He nodded. I grunted. "My throat hurts now. God fucking damn it." I groaned. Lovino growled. "Bastards. They shouldn't be the reason your throat hurts." Mumbled Lovino. My face went bright red as I heard him clearly. "L-Lovino!" I squealed. He smirked. "I'm right though Amore." Growled Lovino playfully. I sighed. "Lovino. I'm pretty sure you don't want the first time your brother meets me is when we're in a heated situation." I said, raising an eyebrow. He blushed. "Shut up...." He muttered. I chuckled.

Lovino parked up once we were at our destination. I left the car and grabbed my jacket and my case. Lovino and I walked into the building and got our name tags before we headed for the Conference hall. I chewed my bottom lip nervously. Lovino sighed and wrapped an arm around my waist. "It'll be fine. My idiotic Fratello will be fine with us and if anyone tries to do anything, they'll have to answer to me and Tomato Bastard." Said Lovino. I sighed. "I know. Gracias Lovino." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. I lifted my head and kissed his lips. He hummed and kissed back passionately. We both smiled into the kiss. We broke apart. "This makes me feel that we're married y'know." I commented.

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