[NSFW] Euphoric Ecstasy ~ Germany X Reader

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Notes: You're fluent in German. Germany is Nyo! Germany however everyone else is normal.

[Warnings: Sex and a hint of bondage]

(Y/n)'s POV
I bit my lip as my face flushed. I squirmed in desperation for relief, the chains jingling from the cuffs on my wrists that hung above me. The other small but powerful toy sent wave after wave of vibrations. I panted. Not enough though. Enough to keep me on the edge but not to give me the relief I wanted. Needed actually. It didn't help that I was loving every second of it as well. I whimpered and rubbed my legs together as I lay on the bed, naked and panting. I closed my eyes, wishing for my lover to come back soon.

"M-Monika..." I whimpered.

"Now this is a sight..." My head shot up and my eyes locked on my flustered lover who wore only a shirt and underwear. She had our 'toy' box under her arm. I shuddered and whined seeing the familiar box, knowing where tonight was going to go.

She put down the box at the end of the bed and climbed onto the bed, soon hovering above me. Her sharp blue eyes gazed down at my flushed body. She bit her lip and looked back into my eyes.

"What do you want?" She whispered, her hands sliding up my stomach to my breasts. I whimpered. "Y-You." I said weakly. "What do you want me to do?"

I whimpered as a hint of a smirk was caught on her lips. She knew how I couldn't bring myself to explicitly say what I wanted.

"K-Kiss me. Please." I panted. She leaned towards my lips, taking them into a kiss with hers. I moaned into the kiss, her lips moving against mine sinfully.

However I knew how I could easily rile her up.

The kiss started getting rougher, Monika's right hand tangling in my hair as she easily took control of the kiss. I moaned as I could tell her patience was very little. It always was when she saw me like this. "Monika please." I begged. She knew what I wanted. She knew I wanted it rough. She pulled back and gazed down at me again. My legs had naturally opened up during the kiss. "Bitte. Ich brauche dich." I whimpered, knowing how speaking in her native language made her snap. She kissed me roughly while she pulled the toy out. I whimpered and she pulled back, biting her lip.

"You're too damn sexy." She growled before diving down.


Time Skip
I sighed as I wrote down my notes for the meeting. "Hello Miss Itain." Greeted Lilli who sat down next to me. "Oh Hello Liechtenstein. You don't have to call me Miss. Itain is just fine." I said. "Big brother says I have to be respectful to everyone especially stronger nations like you." Said Lilli. I sighed and patted her head. "Well I think of you as my equal. Please call me Itain." I said. She bowed her head politely. "If you wish Itain."

Francis and Arthur started arguing again and I groaned. Monika soon sat down in her seat beside me. "Those two better shut it before the meeting starts." Muttered Monika tiredly. She hadn't slept last night since she had been up doing paperwork despite my attempts to get her to sleep. I kissed her cheek making her blush. "Don't worry. I'll sort them out. You just sort out the meeting notes." I said softly, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. "Danke." Said Monika.

I got up and started walking over to the two arguing men. "England. France. Will you two shut up! The meeting is about to start!" I yelled. They didn't hear me and Arthur pull out a wand. "I'm sick of this! Time for you to have a taste of your own medicine!" Exclaimed Arthur as he pointed the wand at Francis. He casted a spell however Francis ducked. With me being in direct line of fire. I shouted out as the spell hit me and I got thrown back. I tumbled onto the ground and groaned.

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