[NSFW] Passionate Spanish ~ Spain X Reader

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Note: Twin sister of Romano, sister of Veneziano. Used to be territory of Spain's.

This is a continuation to "A Not-So-Blind Date". I'd recommend you read that first to understand this.

[Warning: Sex and Mature Language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
Spain's hands started to wander up my thighs, his lips curling into a grin against my lips.

"...Isn't that half the fun?"

Those words hit me like a train. Oh god oh god. Fanculo. Fanculo. Fanculo- I tensed up, my skirt lifting up against my legs as his fingers brushed against the bottom of the hidden fabric under the skirt. My heart pounded in my chest, my blood pulsing as my face flushed. "A-Antonio..." I squeaked, my hands gripping his shoulders. He grinned before he took my lips with his. He kissed me surprising softly, almost making me forget the situation if it hadn't been for his hands avoiding my lower half and going to my shirt. His fingers were quick and nimble as he unbuttoned my shirt completely. I blushed, quickly using the shirt to cover myself. "We shouldn't do this here you pervert..." I muttered, chewing on my bottom lip. I wouldn't openly admit it but... He was right. The anticipation of getting caught was already making me feel a little too warm. "But you want to right?" Purred Spain. My breathing hitched. How did this oblivious idiot figure out that I did? I gulped. "W-why would you even think I would you jerk?" I hissed, my voice betraying me slightly. "Because you would have kneed me in the stomach and ran off by now." Said Spain. My eyes widened. He was right. "That doesn't mean anything bastard!" I yelled at him. He chuckled before kissing me. This time he was passionate, making it clear of his intentions. I kissed back just as much, timidly letting go of the loose shirt to wrap my arms around his neck while his hands roam their way to my back, unclipping my bra. I panted as we pulled away for air. His lips dragged down my jaw to my throat.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?" Said Spain. I blushed. "Don't say stuff like that..." I muttered. "I mean it." Said Spain. I huffed. I reach up my sleeves and pulled the straps of my bra down, soon letting the clothing fall to the ground. I kicked it to the side. I gulped as feel his warm breathing against the exposed part of my shoulder. "Don't even think of taking the shirt off. We can still get caught." I hissed. "Alright Hermosa." I shuddered as kissed down my neck, to my chest. I bit back a moan as his hands freely cupped my chest, squeezing and kissing the sensitive skin. "D-don't do that..." I panted, my words not holding any truth or bite to them. His lips trailed back up my chest to my neck, sucking and biting. "Don't leave any marks idiota..." I panted, still holding back the moans that threatened to spill from my lips. "I don't want my brothers knowing... Or those friends of yours..." "Of course Cariña." I blushed. Unlike Romano and unknown to Spain, I had learnt Spanish. I kept it a secret because I knew Spain would have gone overboard when finding out. Instead Spain learnt Italian to understand me and Romano when we were angry. My hands slid down from his shoulders to unbutton his shirt. "Eres tan hermosa..." Murmured Spain as he took in the sight of me. I blushed. His fingers traced the sensitive skin making me shudder.

"Spagna... B-Baciami.." I mumbled. His lips left my neck and locked with my lips. A weak moan betrayed me as he passionately kiss me. His lips curled into a smile. "Stop fucking smiling like that. It's weird." I muttered. "But Boss is just happy. And your moans are beautiful, you shouldn't hold them back." Murmured Spain. "Shut the fuck up. And stop calling yourself Boss! Especially at a time like this! It sounds weird." I argued. I huffed as Spain chuckled. I squirmed, he still hadn't left my chest. He leaned closer to me and took my lips again. I moaned into the kiss, distracted and unable to hold them back. I panted into the kiss as his hands trailed downwards. "Esos sonidos son como música para mis oídos..." Whispered Spain. I blushed and ignored him. I opened up his now unbuttoned shirt, my hands now roaming up to his bare shoulders under this shirt.

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