[NSFW] Heated Moments ~ South Italy X Reader [Part 2/2]

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(Y/n)'s POV
I hummed as I walked into the house, carrying groceries. My heat was due tomorrow so I was stocking up for the week. "Romano!! I'm home!" I sang. I got no response like I usually did. I shrugged and headed for the kitchen. I paused as I saw Romano muttering in Italian, pacing around the kitchen. "Romano?" He stopped and looked up. "Itain!" "What's wrong?" I immediately asked. He cringed before huffing. "Nothing." "Italy Romano. What is wrong?" "Veneziano said he wants to be potato bastard's mate." I blinked in surprise. "He does?" "Sì... He told me and I flipped out at him..." Admitted Romano. I sighed and put the bags down. "Let me guess, you flipped out and Veneziano got upset and ran off." "Sì." Huffed Romano. I sighed. "Why?" I asked. He looked away. "I don't trust that bastard. Veneziano already had his heart broken from that stupid Holy Rome..." Admitted Romano. I took his hands. "Romano. Germany isn't gonna hurt him. Germany loves your brother very much." I said. "But-!" "What if Veneziano and Spain said you and I couldn't mate?" "That's stupid! They know We're happy together and that we love each other! They can't change that!" "It's exactly like that for Veneziano and Germany. They're happy together Romano. They're in love. I understand you don't want to your little brother to have his heart broken again but you're hurting him while trying to protect him. He loves Germany. He wouldn't of told you that he wanted to mate with Germany if he didn't. He wants you to approve. He want your blessing. You're his big brother." I explained to Romano. Romano sighed. "I... You're right. I guess I should apologise to him." Muttered Romano. I chuckled. "Sí. First, why don't you help me put away these groceries? Help you clear your head and figure out what to say. And if you need help, I'll be there." I said. Romano nodded and we soon put away the groceries.

I phoned Veneziano and got him over. I opened the door to see the Italian with Germany. I blinked. Oh shit. Romano better not flip out. I smiled at Veneziano. "Hey Veneziano, Germany. Come in!" I greeted, letting them in. I saw Romano hide in the kitchen. Veneziano looked nervous. "Did... Did Romano tell you?" Asked Veneziano quietly, so that Germany didn't hear. I nodded and smiled. "Don't worry. I talked to him." I said. Veneziano nodded and the couple sat down in the living room. "I'll get Romano! I'll be right back!" I said before running off. Romano pulled me into the kitchen. "Why the hell is-" "Because your brother is nervous as hell?" I said. Romano sighed. "You know I'm not gonna be able to fucking stay calm with him there!" Hissed Romano under his breath. "I'll ask Veneziano to talk to you privately and I'll keep Germany in the living room if that helps." "I'm not letting that fucking Alpha anywhere near you-" "An Alpha who does not have any interest in me like that. Romano you're overthinking and stressing out for no reason. Calm down." Romano sighed and nodded. "Good. Now I'll get your brother for you." I left the kitchen and told Veneziano that Romano wanted to talk with him privately. "Don't worry though! I made sure he's calm." I reassured. Veneziano nodded and left to see Romano. "So Germany! How are you?" I asked, engaging the German in small talk.

Soon the two Italians came into view, Veneziano had a huge smile on his face while Romano was scowling. I giggled. "Okay. Potato Bastard! You better not hurt my Fratello or I will kick your ass! You hear me!" Exclaimed Romano. Germany nodded in surprise. Veneziano laughed. "We better be going now. We'll see you two in a week! Ciao!" Exclaimed Veneziano leaving with Germany. I blinked before I realised what he meant. "Veneziano!" I yelled. I heard said Italian laugh. I sighed and chuckled. I looked at Romano who was scowling at the wall. I chuckled.

"I'm going to sort my nest out for tomorrow." I said before heading for my heat room. Romano sighed. "Need some help?" He asked. I smiled. "Just lots of pillows, blankets and soft stuff!" I squealed, my omega instincts showing. Romano chuckled. I blushed. "And towels. I'll need towels." I admitted. Romano raised an eyebrow as he followed me to my heat room. "Towels?" My face flushed a darker red as I pulled my shirt down in instinct. "Towels. Lots of them." I said. "That's all I'll need for now! Now I better sort my nest out. Don't try and help with this bit or you'll mess it up. It's gotta be a certain way." I said as while heading to my unmade nest. Romano rolled his eyes but listened to me, soon leaving the room to get what I had requested.

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