[Fluff] Festive Feelings ~ Russia X Reader

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Notes: You're America's younger sister

[Warning: None]

(Y/n)'s POV
I walked down the street with my older brother America while he excitedly told me plans he had for the future. "Oh and I can't wait for new year eve 'cause I have this awesome party planned! It's gonna be wicked!" Exclaimed America. I chuckled. "Who's gonna be invited?" I asked interested. He started listing of several nations but I soon noticed someone wasn't there. "What about Russia?" I asked. He looked at me like I was mad. "He'd scare everyone! I can't have everyone being scared away because of that commie!" Exclaimed America. I frowned. "But that's not fair. And you shouldn't call him that. That's unfair too. It's not his fault some of his past leaders were communists." I reasoned. America huffed childishly. "It's my party, I can invite who I want!" "America! You're basically inviting the whole world except him just because you think he's scary!" I exclaimed. "Would you like it if I did that because I thought you're so loud and I thought you would irritate too many people!" I argued. "You're my sister though. And why are you even defending him?" Asked America.

I stopped walking and crossed my arms around myself. "My reason doesn't matter." I said defensively. "It so does. Did he do something to you? Did he threaten you? If he did I'll send a nuke-" "Alfred F Jones!!!" I exclaimed. "He has done nothing and you will not start a nuclear war against him you hear!" I scolded. "Fine! Calm your shit will you?" Said America raising his hands in surrender. I huffed and sighed. "What's your deal with Russia anyway?" Asked America. I looked away. "Nothing important." I mumbled. "I'm serious. You always defend him even if it's something small. And you act really weird around him. Twirling your hair like a high schooler, biting you lip, pushing your chest out, staring at him when he isn't looking, always laughing at his jokes even if they weren't funny to you and I know your sense of humour. Seriously, It's weird." Said America. I puffed my cheeks and kept my gaze away from his. "You wouldn't like my reason." "Try me." I rolled my eyes at his words. I looked America in the eyes.

"I'm in love with Russia." I admitted. He blinked and colour drained from his face. "Ha... Nice joke... April fools right?" Said America warily. "It's not even April." I commented. "It's a joke though right?" Said America. I sighed. "I knew I shouldn't of told you. I mean having your sister in love with your enemy isn't something you could be okay with." I sighed walked away.

It wasn't long before I was hugged by America. "I really can't say or do anything about this except be okay with it because I can't tell you want to do. It's your life. I'm not going to dictate like-" "Okay okay. Shush before you start with insulting Russia indirectly." I said smiling slightly. "I get what you're trying to say. Thank you." I said hugging my brother. "I'm your brother. It's kinda my job." I chuckled slightly at him.

Time Skip
I sorted my paperwork and put it into my bag. "Zdravstvuy dorogoy." Greeted a certain someone behind me. I smiled and spun round. I looked up at the tall man and I unconsciously sorted my skirt out. "Hey Russia." I greeted. After having spoke to the man some time ago for the first time about trade business between us, a sort of friendship has blossomed between us. I never have a clue what he says in Russian but I don't mind. "It is nice to see you. How was the meeting for you?" Said Russia. "It was okay. I'm dreading this paperwork that we were all assigned today if I'm honest." I said shrugging and twirling a strand of hair. "Da. I am also not looking forward to it." Agreed Russia. I hummed and nodded. "So how was your weekend?" I said, putting an arm under my chest to push up my chest, my hand holding my other arm. "It was good though I did miss talking to you. How was yours? It was good, da?" Said Russia honestly. I blushed and smiled. "Y-Yeah. I missed talking to you too..." I said, my voice going quiet. He smiled childlike.

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