[Fluff] "You will be my wife." ~ Denmark X Reader

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Requested By Arabella_L_smith

Notes: This is a Human Au! Viking times!

[Warning: A bit of kidnapping and town pillaging.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I was a simple washing lady.

Orphaned at a young age and no where to go, I had been taken under the wing of 'Auntie' Rosemary as she was known to the village folk. She ran a brothel and I provided the washing as I was much too young to work in the brothel when she took me under her wing.

I was old enough now but I was happy with the work I did for her. I owed much for her.

All I had to my name was the clothes on my back and my necklace that belonged to my late mother which my late brother gave to me before he died.

My necklace was a simple pendant on string tied around my neck.

I hummed as I washed out the stains on the sheets. The day was going by well.

I thought it'd stay that way.

Time Skip
I stumbled as Auntie Rosemary grabbed my arm and pushed me into one of the brothel rooms. The other girls were there, clutching each other in fear. Auntie Rosemary pulled a key hidden in her bosom and locked the door.

"What's going on?" Asked one of the girls. Auntie Rosemary shushed her. "The village is getting ransacked. We need to be quiet." Whispered Rosemary. We all nodded.

It was silent until we heard people storming the brothel. I flinched as did many girls.

Footsteps resonated from outside the door. The door was tested and Auntie Rosemary began to push us away, standing in front of us in protection.

We heard orders being yelled in a foreign language before the door began to be banged. Many girls yelled out and begin to cry.

I clasped my hands together and prayed.

None of our worries were lessened as we saw an axe slam into the door. Many of the girls screamed and the door was demolished. I held my breath in terror.

The door fell down and men marched in. They were clad in furs and held weapons with strange markings.

The men began to grab us and drag us out of the door. We yelled, screamed and cried in protest.

I punched the arm of the man who dragged me.

I cried out as I was thrown to the ground outside like the girls with the other villagers.

I flipped my hair back and glared at the man. The men circled the huddling villagers and stayed close to the girls.

Many of the foreigners spoke in tongues I couldn't understand.


Five men spoke in words that no one understood. One man locked eyes with me. Blond hair that reached for the skies and cold blue eyes. His skin was paler than I had ever seen before. His cheeks were rosy from the heat of his furs.

He spoke something to the four men before he began to walk over.

"Who are you girls?" He asked, his accent thick and strange in my language.

Auntie Rosemary glared up at him. "They work for me at my brothel." Said Rosemary cautiously.

The man raised an eyebrow and hummed some words foreign to us.

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