[Fluff] Homosexual Hardships ~ Spain X Reader

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Notes: NYOTALIA SPAIN! Also modern au.

[Warning: Mature language, Mention of threatened rape, Homophobic statements and censored f slur]

(Y/n)'s POV
It wasn't my fault that she was so god damn fucking sexy!
I bit my lip as I concealed any hint of sexual attraction to my girlfriend dancing with her unwilling partner.

Carmen Fucking Carriedo.

I could almost moan at just hearing her name at the mental picture of her it would bring up.

Me and the gang had thought I'd would be a good idea to go out for a drink at this club. I don't know if I regret agreeing to it or not.

I sat at the table with Francine and Monika. Julchen was out dancing, maybe trying to hookup with someone, while Felicia was getting drinks. I stared at Carmen as she tried to get Chiara to dance. I didn't care really despite my strong feelings for Carmen. Chiara had already told me that she had her eyes on a certain albino despite her protests. I couldn't help my lingering gaze that roamed over Carmen's body. Fuck those legs... Her breasts... I just wanted to-

"I got the driiiiinks!" Sang Felicia as she put the small tray down. "Huh?" I said, getting pulled out of my fantasy. Francine chuckled. "Someone is staring at a certain someone and I'm very sure the thoughts popping up aren't at all clean." Teased Francine. "Damn right." I growled, my gaze locking back on Carmen. Felicia whistled before giggling. Monika blushed, focusing on the drink in her hand. Francine chuckled as she raised an eyebrow. "Do tell mon amie." Chuckled Francine. "Let's just say, I want to slam her against a wall and do plenty of things that are too explicit to describe in words." I said, grabbing my drink. Monika choked slightly on her drink. "Sorry Monika." I apologised. "It's fine..." Mumbled Monika. Felicia chuckled as she sat down next to her German girlfriend.

"But what if Carmen is the dominant one?" Questioned Francine. I looked at her confused before glancing at the Spaniard. My face started growing red slightly. "I think I found a weakness." Teased Francine seeing my blushing face. "I don't know if I could handle her being dominant." I said honestly. Francine and Felicia chuckled.

"Leaving the sexual frustration, how aren't you jealous of Chiara dancing with Carmen?" Asked Felicia curiously. It was really obvious when I got jealous and I got jealous a lot. "Cause Chiara has feelings for Julchen but she's too stubborn to confess despite Julchen clearly feeling the same and also because Carmen is mine." I said shrugging. Monika spit the beer in her mouth back in the glass in an attempt not to spray it over us all. "She what?" Said Monika surprised. I chuckled. "You heard me. Chiara has feelings for Julchen but she's too stubborn to admit it." I said.

"She does?" We turned to see Julchen at the table with wide hopeful eyes. "Yep." I said, knowing where this situation was going. Julchen's face lit up. "Holy shit! Yes!" Julchen fist pumped into the air. Her gaze locked on Chiara. Her lips curled up. "Monika, if what I'm thinking works, I suggest you stay at Felicia's place tonight." Said Julchen smirking as she soon started to walked over to the dancing women. Monika's face went red and she groaned. "Is everyone a horn dog or something?" Muttered Monika as she sipped her beer. "Aw c'mon. We all know your the worst out of us all. Chains and Whips am I right?" Teased Francine. Monika ignored her despite her growing blush.

I looked back to Carmen to see that she had disappeared and Julchen was currently dancing and trying to flirt with Chiara. The stubborn Italian was clearly blushing as Julchen pulled her closer by her hips. I soon caught my eyes on Carmen who was at the bar, some creepy drunk dude was trying to hit on her. I growled slightly and stood up. "Oooh! Someone's jealous!" Teased Felicia. "Well someone ought to be." I said before heading over to Carmen.

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