Author's Note | Sorry...

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Hey Stars.

So I haven't been getting to my requests as I've been hoping and I'd like to explain why. First off, sorry by the way.

I've had massive writers block with this book. And I've lost interest in Hetalia.

I swear I've been trying and I've got drafts down for them.

But add school, my drama course, anxiety, family issues and more to the mix? Well it doesn't work.

I'm in my second last year of high school and I have to focus as I'm doing a major subject that has a big impact on whether I can apply to certain colleges/universities about acting.

Acting is my passion. I love it and I'm good at it. (It's just a more sophisticated level of lying I say. Haha.)

And it's my main ambition in life.

I dream to be at the levels of Robert Downey Jr, Jennifer Lawrence, James Macvoy, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman etc.

Writing was an escape and it still is.

But I've lost motivation with this book.

And I'm eternally sorry. I know some of you enjoyed it and I will somehow finish those requests but for now this is goodbye.

I'm not stopping writing though. For Nearly a year I've been writing a Sherlock fan fiction (BBC series. Not the movies. Sorry movies fans.) And I've got great motivation and inspiration for it. I've started to post some of the chapters I've already written and I'd love for those who are interested to read it. It was a challenge as I'm not good with dialogue at times and deduction is not my strong point. However it's turned out okay.

I'm apologise again though for those who really liked this book. I hate to leave it but I have nothing to bring to it anymore. I'll try and finish the requests but that's it. After I'm done with it.

So my Stars. I have to go again.

I hope you'll forgive me.


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