[NSFW] Beneficial Banging ~ America X Reader

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Notes: Nyotalia! Also Human Au

[Warning: Lesbihonest, its sex.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I don't know how it happened. How such an arrangement came to be. Neither does she. But all I know about how it all started was that one minute I was complaining that I hadn't gotten laid in ages and the next, clothes were strewn across the floor and I was crying out her name as she tipped me over the edge.

We'd been best friends. But after that, our friendship was little bit more. Something more beneficial. Friends with Benefits as one would say.

The deal was that we didn't fall in love with each other or if we got into a relationship with someone, the deal was off.

It had been fine for the first few months.

Until I stupidly grew attached.

Until I was a fool and let myself fall for her.

Time Skip
I hummed as I cleaning the counter. "Hey." Giggled a female voice behind me as arms wrapped around me. I chuckled. "Hey Amelia. How'd you get in my house so quietly?" I asked smiling. She had a spare key but always was loud as she entered the place. "I can be quiet sometimes y'know." Joked Amelia. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Whatever." I said. She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Whatcha doin'?" Asked Amelia. "I'm cleaning up." I said. "I like to keep this place clean y'know." Amelia hummed before a grin grew in her lips.

"I like to clean certain things too, Sweet thing." Teased Amelia. My face flushed. "A-Amelia! I-I'm cleaning! It isn't the best time t-to... y'know!" I squealed. Amelia giggled while her hands sliding down my front to rest on my legs, edging near my inner thighs. I blushed a deep red as it already started to have an effect on me. I was wearing a long shirt that hung over my denim shorts so her hands were touching skin near thin fabric. "But (N/n)! We've both had Uni* be stressful this week from exams. I just want us to relax and have fun." Said Amelia almost as if the affected heavy breathing coming from me wasn't even happening. I gulped as I focused on the counter I was cleaning. "What do you have in mind?" I asked quietly. "Well I heard if you bottle everything up to a certain point, releasing that stress can be the most satisfying... if you know what I mean." Said Amelia. My face flushed a bright red as I caught an idea of what she wanted to do. "Care to elaborate?" I squeaked. She giggled at my flustered state while I desperately tried to concentrate on cleaning. "I may have a new toy I wanna try out. It's a bit of a power play." Admitted Amelia dorkishly. I bit my lip and squirmed. "I-I'm not against it." I whispered. She squealed. "Is that a yes?" She asked. I sighed and nodded despite my flushed face. "Yay! Can we try now?" She asked. "H-here?! N-now?! A-Amelia I've got so much to d-" "Even more reason to do so. You need a break. And neither of us has gotten anything in awhile because of exams. C'mon girl loosen up and be slightly wild." Reasoned Amelia.  I sighed and turned around in her arms to lean back against the counter. My face was bright pink. I looked away as I nodded. She squealed and ran to the doorway to grab her bag. She brought it over excitedly and opened it. Amelia rummaged through it and brought out- oh my god she pulled out a vibrator. Then she pulled out a small device which obviously was the control for the vibrator. The two sat on the counter. "Please tell me you brought lube with you because I'm out from your extravaganza that happened last month and I haven't had time to get any from exams." I said. She giggled. "Of course I do silly! And guess what! It's Vanilla!" She giggled as she pulled out a bottle of lube. "Of fucking course it is." I sighed. She stuck her tongue out at me as she placed the container next to the two other things. "Hey! Don't complain! I'm the one who knows how to eat someone out compared to you. The eater gets to chose their flavour." Retorted Amelia. My face went bright red. "Amelia!" She simply laughed at my flustered response. "Condom or not? If so which one?" Asked Amelia. I shrugged. "I don't know. Do we really want to have to deal with cleaning it and only being able to use once until we clean it? If so, we might as well use a female one too." I asked. "Condom it is then." Amelia pulled two different silver packets from her bag and placed it on the counter. She put her bag on the floor next to the cabinet. "Still a yes?" She asked as she held my hips. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yes. As much as it is embarrassing, I'm still fine with continuing." She grinned. "Let's get you to relax then." She said teasingly. I blushed and nodded.

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