[Fluff] Runaway With Me ~ Japan X Reader

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Note: Finally! A Japan X Reader! I know. I'm sorry this took so long. Human Au and Japan is a rouge assassin in this. Set in the past, I can't exactly say when.

[Warning: Nothing!]

(Y/n)'s POV
I stood on my balcony as I stared at the setting sun. My kimono swayed at the soft breeze coming into my room. As the world faded into darkness, I didn't flinch as a swift sway in the air breezed past me for a familiar voice to speak up. "Kon'nichiwa, shin'ainaru hito." Greeted the assassin. I smiled and turned to face him. "Kon'nichiwa, chūjitsuna ai." I greeted. He bowed his head only for me to gently lift it back up with the tips of my fingers on his chin. "Kiku, I have told you not to bow in my presence. I mean it is only me." I said amused. "And I will continue to do so if it allows me to show my respect." He retorted. I stared into his coal coloured eyes. "Then how would you show your love?" I asked softly, my eyes lowering to the ground. His eyes softened. "With a kiss. You know that. What is wrong?" He asked. I wrapped my arms around my body and turned to look back out to the sky. "Our time is growing short. My parents wish for me to marry a wealthy foreigner from England." I admitted. His eyes widened. "They do?" He asked. I nodded looking down. "They want me to move to England to live with him and everything. But that is not what I wish!" I said sorrowfully. I turned to Kiku. "I wish to be with you! But I cannot tell them..." I choked out. My head bowed in sorrow. "Look at me." Said Kiku. I looked at him and he took my hands in his carefully. "Run away with me." He whispered. "R..un away? What do you mean?" I whispered. "Exactly what I said. I have a friend in Italy who could hide us and I know how much you have wished to go to Italy. Come with me and run away from this life that has trapped you to rules that you despise." Said Kiku. "Do you mean that? Would you be willing to risk everything for me?" I asked, not believing the words. "Hai. I only wish for your happiness and to be by your side for the rest of my days. I will risk everything if you got the chance to be free." Said Kiku. He brushed his knuckles across my cheek affectionately. "So what do you say?" He asked. "Hai. I will." I whispered. I smiled. "Then we shall. Tomorrow. We shall leave with only ourselves at midnight." Said Kiku. I nodded. "But for tonight, let us savour the moonlight." I whispered. He nodded as our foreheads pressed together gently.

Time Skip
My eyes fluttered open as sunlight shone in my room. I found myself in my bed, still in my kimono. I sighed as I got up, noticing the Sakura at my bedside table. I smiled. "Darling! You're meeting your suitor today! I want you up and ready!" Called my mother. I sighed. "Yes mother!"

I did my daily routine and pulled a different kimono on and headed to my family where we ate breakfast, soon to head off to see my suitor.

We were soon at the Sakura Gardens which I saw a young man with his mother and father. He was my age, actually he seemed slightly older. Stood next to the young man I assumed was my suitor, was a younger boy. The two appeared to be brothers. The younger boy couldn't be any where past 12. "Hello Kirkland-San. It is wonderful to meet you." Greeted my father as we bowed. "And I to you." Said Mr Kirkland. The family bowed as then my father shook hands with the foreigner. "This is my wife, Georgina." Introduced Mr Kirkland to us. "Hello. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She greeted. "It is the same for us too. I hope we all get along." Said my mother.  The two smiled at each other. Great. Instant bond. "And these are our sons. Well two of them. The three eldest are already married and have control over businesses." Said Mr Kirkland. "That is wonderful." Said my father. Mr Kirkland nodded. "Yes it is. One of them is in Scotland, one in Ireland and the other in Wales. Unfortunately we only get to see our third eldest very rarely who lives in Wales and the other two we haven't seen in years." Said Mr Kirkland. "Not really. They're pretty mean..." Commented the younger boy. "Peter!" Exclaimed Mrs Kirkland. "For once Peter is right..." Commented the older brother. "Arthur." Said Mr Kirkland strictly. The one called Arthur sighed. "Apologies for my behaviour." Said Arthur bowing. Mr Kirkland cleared his throat. "Excuse them. They are simply tired from the long ride here." Said Mr Kirkland. "As you can guess, our youngest is Peter and this is Arthur." Said Mr Kirkland properly introducing his sons. "And this is our daughter (Y/n)." Introduced my father. "Isn't she lovely?" Cooed my mother. "Nice to meet you it is." I said bowing. "She is lovely. I'm sure she would be a good influence on Arthur." Said Mr Kirkland. "Well why don't we leave them to talk? I'm sure it would be nice for them to get to know each other." Suggested Mrs Kirkland. "Wonderful Idea. Why don't we continue our chat someplace else to let them he acquainted. Let us go..." Agreed my mother. The adults walked away. "Peter! Lets leave them to talk." Called Mrs Kirkland. Peter went to protest when Arthur spoke up. "He can stay. I'll watch him." Sighed Arthur. Mrs Kirkland nodded and left. "Do you talk or show emotion?" Asked Peter to me. "Peter! That is disrespectful!" Scolded Arthur. "You were disrespectful to Mother and Father!" Argued Peter. Arthur went to retaliate when I intervened. "You were both voicing your opinions. The only way you can be disrespectful is if you are disrespecting someone or something else." I said softly. "So you do speak!" Exclaimed Peter. I nodded. "Yes. And I do show emotion. I simply choose not to. Or at least right now." I said. Peter nodded. "Why aren't you showing emotion?" He asked. "Because my parents would disapprove of my feelings towards certain things." I admitted. "Like you getting married to Arthur?" Asked Peter. "Peter I think you have asked enough-" "It is okay. I am fine with answering." I said. Arthur nodded. I turned to look at Peter. "Do you want to marry Arthur?" Asked Peter. "Allow me to be honest and say no. Not because of Arthur but because of the situation it is." I said. "Well at least I'm not alone. I do not wish for this either. An arranged marriage is something I wish didn't exist." Said Arthur. "At least we are mutual about that too. I believe marriage should be with someone you love." I said. "Oh! Arthur is in love! He's in love with this French guy-" "Peter be quiet!" Exclaimed Arthur in alarm. I smiled. "Do not worry. Our parents cannot hear us and I am fully accepting. Is this man who has taken your heart kind?" I said softly. Arthur nodded flustered. "Woah you smiled!" Exclaimed Peter. "Ah I cannot help but smile at love. It warms my heart." I admitted. "You are in love too?" Asked Arthur. I nodded. "Yes. My heart is taken. A kind soul is he." I said. "That's good." Said Arthur. "Ooh! Did you know, Arthur and him are going to run away-" "Peter! Be quiet!" Exclaimed Arthur. My eyes widened. Arthur and I were in similar situations. I looked behind me to not see anyone. Our parents had gone to speak a long way from us. I turned to Arthur. "You are too?" I whispered. His eyes widened. "Wait- You're going to... you know." He said hushed. I nodded. "Yes. However I am sure we have very different reasons. My love is..." I hesitate to tell him. "No one will hear and we will stay quiet." Reassured Arthur. I sighed. "You are running for love between you and another man. I am running as my love is..." I started. "Assassin." I whispered. Their eyes widened. "Really! Cool!" "Hush Peter!" I nodded. "He used to have a master. But his master died." I whispered. "He's rouge." Said Arthur. I nodded. "Daughter! We must go now! This lovely family have plans to leave tonight to come back next week!" Called My mother. I tensed. "I leave tonight." I whispered. "I wish you good luck then." "And I for you. May we meet in the future or in another life as friends." I whispered. "Goodbye Arthur-san, Peter-san." I bowed before leaving to my parents.

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