[Fluff] Family Funtimes ~ GerIta X Reader [Part 3/3]

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Notes: You're an adult now! Still the daughter of Germany and Italy.

[Warning: Mature language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I stared at the empty room. Realisation hitting me finally. My feelings got mixed up and I really didn't know how to feel.

"Where do you want me to put this box?" Asked Antonio. I looked at him and smiled. "Kitchen. Thanks for helping me Tío." I said. He smiled brightly. "Anything for my favourite niece." He said kissing my cheek before walking off. "I'm your only niece!" I called. "Exactly!" He called back laughing. I laughed.

I smiled putting down the box.

I was moving into my new home.

It was the start to my new adult life.

Time Skip
I let out a heavy breath as I collapsed down on the ground, leaning on the ground.

It took almost all day to move everything into my new house but thanks to Antonio and Gilbert helping me, it didn't take as long.

The sun was setting when I opened the final box, my uncles at their own homes.

I stared as I picked up a photo frame. It was a photo of Vati, Papà and my teenage self on their wedding day. I smiled remembering those happy memories.

Flashback ~
I smiled, watching my parents saying their vows.

"I vow that I will protect, love and cherish you till the end of our days. I vow that I will be a loving husband and father." Said Vati, his face flushing in the truth he spoke.

"And I vow that till the day I die, I will love you completely and truly. No matter what threat we face, we'll face together as one. I vow that I will also be a loving husband and father." Said Papà with a truly joyful smile.
I blinked back tears of happiness as my smile brightened.

"I do."
"I do."

"You may kiss your spouse."

The two kissed and everyone started clapping and cheering. I threw confetti at them and they laughed. Papà opened his arms and I ran over, the two of them pulling me into a hug.

"Took you two long enough!" I laughed. They both laughed.

The reception was so much fun. After their first dance, the two of them pulled me into a dance with them.

I danced with my whole family and when it came time to throwing the bouquet of flowers, Papà threw them and Zìo Lovino caught them by accident.

"What- What the hell?!"
"Lovino! Aw!"
"Get off tomato bastard!"

I laughed as did Papà do so as well.

Onkel Gilbert did nothing to help as he kept pushing Zìo Lovino's button.

"How's my brother in law?"
"Fuck off."

Despite all the commotion...

It was a perfect day.

Flashback End ~

I chuckled, wiping the happy tears away. I placed the photo frame on my bedside cabinet before emptying the box until only things I didn't know what do to with were left. I looked at them, seeing my old stuffed toy dog, Puppy and the tomato plushie, Romano the Tomato included. I picked the box up and put it in my wardrobe.

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