[Fluff] Savior's Sweetheart ~ Prussia X Reader

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Notes: You are the older sister of Italy and Romano.

[Warnings: Couple of swears]

(Y/n)'s POV
I held onto the horse as my trusted friend galloped quickly through the forest, my toga flowing with the wind. Nonno said he needed to see me quickly. Oh please tell me he hasn't gotten himself into another war.

I soon saw Nonno and I slid off my horse and ran over to him. "Nonno! You said you needed to see me urgently! What's wrong!" I exclaimed worried. "A-ah Itain. It's good to see you. I may have pissed Germania off and started a war." Gulped Nonno avoiding me. I froze up. Every war in the past has been minor but Germania was strong. Very Strong. "Nonno you idiota! Don't you know what you've done!" I exclaimed. "Sì. I do. But real reason why I asked you here was rather different." He turned around to show two young boys sleeping in his arms. Two nations. I froze up, instantly knowing my connection to these boys.

"Nonno?" I said softly. He smiled. "These are your younger brothers. Italy Veneziano and Italy Romano." Said Nonno.

"And I need you to protect them."

I looked up from staring at my brothers to Nonno. Tears had already fallen from my eyes. "You're not surviving this time, are you?" I choked out. He nodded his head. "I have already told them of you and I have said my goodbyes even before then." Said Nonno stepping to me. Carefully I took my brothers in my arms and cradled their sleeping bodies gently. I look up at Nonno tearfully. "It's up to you now mia dolce nipote. Look after yourself and your brothers." Said Nonno kissing my forehead. "Ti amo il nonno." I said, sobbing quietly. He smiled at me as he hugged me with my brothers. "Ti amo anche, mia dolce nipote." He said before he pulled away, going into his horse and galloping away.

I fell to my knees softly and hugged the two boys as I let the tears fall.

"Mmh?" I felt the boys stir in my arms and I looked down to see the two waking up. I smiled softly at the two despite my tears. They looked up at me confused though instantly knowing who I was to them. "Ciao. I am Itain, your Sorella." I said. "I am Italy Veneziano and this is Italy Romano." Said Veneziano softly. "Why are you crying?" I tried to hold my smile painfully however failed. "Actually, where's Nonno?" Asked Veneziano.

"Nonno is gone. He won't be returning to us." I said trying to keep my voice steady. Romano's eyes widened as did Veneziano. "Nonno is gone?" Choked out Romano in shock. I nodded, tears falling quicker from my eyes. Veneziano started sobbing and Romano quietly let his tears fall. "H-He's gone." Sobbed Veneziano. He hugged me tightly and I rubbed his back soothingly. I opened my free arm and Romano slowly hugged me, starting to cry as hard as his brother was.

It was that day I vowed I would protect them.

Even if it killed me.

Time Skip
I'm so weak.

So terribly weak.

I screamed and cried as my brothers were taken from me. I protested and fought as Austria's men cuffed me and threw me in a cell at Austria's house, my dress ripping slightly.

"I'll get you back! I promise! I get the both of you back!" I had cried while struggling with the Austrian men.

But good could I do in a cell?

I sat in the corner trying to think of a way to be free.

"Well doesn't Austria have such a lovely prisoner?" I glared at the door where the voice came from. "Oh and such a feisty glare." "Vaffanculo." I hissed. "I'm guessing that is Italian and that is you swearing at me. Well who knew you could be so colourfully spoken?" Teased the voice. "Go bother someone else." I said uninterested. He continued to bother me however I blanked him out.

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