[NSFW] Secret Spanish Seduction ~ Spain X Reader

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Requested by choclatestuffiscool

Notes: Human names used but they're still nations. You are the younger sister of Italy and Romano.

[Warning: Sex and mature language.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I hummed, feeling the warm embrace of my lover. I cuddled closer and I heard a tired chuckle. "Buenos días..." Mumbled Antonio as he started to wake up just like me. "Good morning..." I mumbled back. I opened my eyes and saw the tired (but gorgeous) face of Antonio. We smiled. He kissed my cheek and I blushed. "Your curl's in a heart." Teased Antonio. I glanced and saw that it was. I giggled and hid my face in his neck embarrassed.

Our soft sweet moment was shattered by my phone going. I cringed at the loud tune. "For heaven's sake..." I muttered. Antonio chuckled and I rolled over to grab my phone. I glared at it, seeing who the caller was.

"Hello?" I huffed tiredly.

"Where the fuck are you? The girls and I have been wondering where you are." Huffed Lovino. Fuck.

"What time is it?"

"Fucking ten o'clock. Did you really sleep in?"

My eyes widened. Shit. I was supposed to meet Lovino and the girls for breakfast at 9:50am.

"Now answer my damn question. Where are you?" Asked Lovino.

I suddenly felt the brush of fabric from Antonio's pyjama bottoms against my bare legs and his bare chest pressed against my covered back. Antonio and I had been together the night before and it got too late to go home so Antonio gave me one of his shirts to wear for the night.

"Who's on the phone, Cariña?" Asked Antonio, mumbling while kissing my neck.

"Are you with somebody?" Asked Lovino confused to the muffled noise.

"No. It's just me getting ready. I must have slept in. I'll be there in just a second!" I said, tensing up.

"Okay. Just hurry moron."

"I will! Bye!"

I cut the call off and groaned.

"That was Lovino and I forgot I was meeting him and the girls for breakfast." I mumbled. "Whoops. I almost blew our secret, didn't I?" Said Antonio.

Also, Antonio and I were secretly dating,

Lovino was my big brother and best friend. And if he knew Antonio and I were together... Let's just say Antonio would be neutered.

Lovino was very protective of me (And Feliciano but Feli was very much like a bird that was very much wild and free. You can't hold him down.). Damn being the youngest.

I sighed and got up, unwilling pulling away from the soft warmth of Antonio's embrace. "I'm going to shower, care to join me?" I said, grinning playfully. Antonio chuckled and did in fact.

I giggled before long getting pulled into a heated makeout session under the warm water.

Time Skip
I hurriedly found the girls and Lovino. "I'm so sorry I'm late!" I exclaimed. "That's alright! We waited for you since we all just caught up with each other!" Said Elizabeta. "You're all too sweet." I said sheepishly. Lovino huffed. "Lovino, you look like you want to say something." Said Emma.

"Where the fuck were you last night?"


I looked like a deer caught in headlights.

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