[Fluff] Kiss Addiction ~ South Italy X Reader

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Note: (N/n) = Nickname (Edit: I added a Inserts Key on the information page with this one in it. Any one reading this in the future, this Oneshot was written before the Inserts key had been added)

Also Human Au

[Warning: Mature Language]

<I have a rant about school at the Author notes. Just to warn you.>

(Y/n)'s POV
I skipped down the path as I headed to meet my friend, Feliciano. He wanted me to meet someone today! We were to meet up at the bridge that goes across Canal. I went to the edge and walked on the small wall.

I smiled as I saw Feliciano with some other guy. He had slightly darker hair than Feliciano and also had some sort of curl that was also similar to Feliciano. He was slightly shorter than Feliciano. He also had these captivating hazel eyes that had a little bit of green in them. He was scowling. I blushed. He was really attractive... Was this the man that Feliciano wanted me to meet? I ran down the wall, balancing and making sure I didn't fall into the canal. "Feli!" I called out. Feliciano looked in my direction and waved. "(Y/n)!" Called Feliciano. He poked the man next to him and I saw him grumble before turning around.

"Hey there! My name is- ah!" I yelped before tripping and falling forward. I closed my eyes, readying for impact. I heard a yell and felt something soft under me and on my lips. I winced and opened my eyes. I was greeted with the captivating Hazel eyes of the stranger. I suddenly noticed the softness against my lips. His lips. We were kissing. We blushed and I pulled away. "I'm so sorry! I never meant to fall and- and- oh god..." I apologised. That was my first kiss! The stranger blushed and went to speak but nothing came out. We were silent. I heard Feliciano giggle. "Aw you two are so adorable together!" Exclaimed Feliciano. Our blushed darkened. "Shut up idiota!" Exclaimed the man. I got off him and held out a hand. He took it and I pulled him up. I looked down. "A-as I was staying b-before I fell, M-my name is (Y/n) (L/n). I-it's nice to meet you..." I stuttered shyly. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh yeah. I'm Lovino. This idiot's brother." Said Lovino, glaring at Feliciano. I blushed. Oh god I accidentally kissed Feliciano's brother Lovino?! I had heard about him from stories and I didn't think he would be this attractive. Feliciano giggled. "Well now that you two know each other, let's go eat! I saw this really good Pizzaria that opened up! Let's go!" Exclaimed Feliciano.

We followed Feliciano to the Pizzaria. On our way, I kept glancing at Lovino. From what I learnt with him talking to Feliciano, He was a bit of a grump, short tempered and anti-social who very creative with his insults. But he was down to earth and realistic. I knew he was caring from the stories Feliciano told me (and Antonio, another friend). I giggled as he yelled at Feliciano. He tensed up and looked at me. I blushed and looked away.

"We're here!" Sang Feliciano. We headed into the Pizzaria and I tripped. I felt someone catch my arm and pull me back, stopping me from falling. I bumped into someone's chest. "You're so clumsy ragazza." Commented Lovino behind me. I blushed. He had saved me from my fall. "S-sorry and thank y-you for catching m-me." I stuttered, blushing. He coughed awkwardly. "It's fine stupid." He muttered. We heard giggling and chuckling. We turned to see not only Feliciano but Antonio, Francis and Gilbert as well. Our faces flushed. "You two are so adorable!" Squealed Feliciano. "Shut up you idiota!" Exclaimed Lovino. "Awe Little Lovi is blushing!" Exclaimed Antonio. "Oui! He sure is!" Exclaimed Francis. "Does he have an attraction to little (Y/n)?" Teased Gilbert. Lovino's face was redder than Antonio's tomatoes and I knew he was about to explode. "G-guys! Stop teasing him! Lovino was saving me from falling! And Toni! You've told me Lovino doesn't like getting called that! It's Lovino not Lovi!" I exclaimed, defending Lovino. Lovino's faced faded to a soft pink colour as he calmed down. He stared at me in shock. The group stared at me in shock before grinning widely. "Okay then..." They chuckled. I gulped. "Let's just get something to eat..." I mumbled.

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