[Fluff] Love Poems ~ France X Reader

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High School Au.
Everyone is the legal age to do the bedroom tango by the way.

[Warning: There is slight mature language and talk of Sex.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I ran down the corridor towards my classroom. I was late for class! I burst through the door saying, "Sorry I'm late!" I panted as I finally caught my breath. The class stopped and everyone stared at me. My face heated up at the stares. "You're 10 minutes late Miss (L/n)." Said Mrs York. "I know. It won't happen again. I'm so sorry." I apologised. She sighed. "Go sit down." She said simply. I nodded and rushed to my seat. "Just see me after class. Francis, explain what we're doing." She said before sitting back down at her desk. I blushed at the name. The class went back to talking and doing their work. I felt a little tap on my shoulder.

I turned to my side to see the mentioned Blond at the desk next to me. "Bonjour (Y/n)." Said Francis sweetly as his head lay on the back of his hand while his arm leaned on the desk. I smiled. "Hello Francis. What is it we have to do?" I asked. He smiled. "Nothing much. We just have to write a poem of something we love." Said Francis. I blushed. I knew what I was gonna write. "Is that so?" I said. "Oui mon petit papillon." Said Francis in his mother tongue. My blush darkened. I loved it when he spoke French. Despite my little understand of it, it always seemed to make me blush. "Do you know what you're going to write?" I asked. "Of course! Love is in my genes! I am French after all." Said Francis. I laughed. Typical Francis. "Do you know what or who you're gonna write about?" Asked Francis flirtatiously. My face erupted in a bright Crimson colour. "U-uh um yeah..." I said quietly while I avoided his gaze. "Oh! Mon petit papillon has a crush! Who is it!" Said Francis excitedly. "No one..." I said flustered. He could NOT know that I had a crush on him. "Aw. You're so cute when you're flustered like this!" Cooed Francis. My face went several brighter shades of red. I was like one of Antonio's tomatoes. "Francis! Quieten down!" Scolded Mrs York. "Excusez-moi!" Said Francis before he went back to his work. I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding in. I got my pencil and my text book out before starting my poem. I glanced at Francis and smiled. He was smiling brightly while he wrote. He paused for a moment and looked at me. My eyes widened before quickly looking at my paper. I heard him chuckle and I glanced at him again to see him winking at me. I blushed as I gazed back at my unfinished work.

By the end of class, I had finished my poem. "Next lesson, You'll be presenting these out in class." Said Mrs York as we packed up. I froze up. Oh no. He's gonna know. I shook my head to clear my mind as finished packing up. I headed out of the class, spoke to Mrs York and headed for my next class.

Time Skip
I grabbed my lunch and headed to my usual spot. "(Y/n)!" I turned to see Francis with his friends, Gilbert and Antonio, at their usual table. Francis patted the space next to him and I blushed as I went over to sit with him. "Hey guys." I said smiling shyly. "Sup (Y/n)! How's it been doing?" Asked Gilbert. I laughed. "Good. Good. How about you three?" I asked.

They started talking about this huge prank they did during the weekend. "Oh jeez. How'd he react?" I asked intrigued at how they pranked Lovino. "Oh he was pissed!" Exclaimed Gilbert. "Oui! He screamed at us and me and Gilbert had to run out of there!" Exclaimed Francis. "What about you Toni?" I asked. Antonio just smiled dreamily. "Let's just say Lovino punished him real good." Said Francis winking at me. My face erupted into a deep red. "W-w-w-what?!" I squeaked. "Oh Frau! You're face is so red!" Laughed Gilbert. Antonio snapped out of his daze. "Sí. Why such the red face Chica?" Asked Antonio. I was silent. Gilbert started to laugh even harder. "Mein Gott! You're a virgin!" Laughed Gilbert. "Sh-shut up! So what if I am!" I retorted blushing.

"Really? I thought you weren't." Said Antonio. I put my head in my hands. "Toni. I've never had a boyfriend in my life. How the hell would I not have been a virgin?" I said bluntly as I tried to control the blush on my face. "Francis." I snapped my head up to look at the Spaniard. "What?!" I exclaimed. "You two are almost always together so I thought you two were together." Said Antonio like it was obvious. "We're- We're not-" I stuttered in shock. Francis chuckled. "Sadly we are not together Mon amie. Though if allowed the chance, I would gladly show Mon petit papillon how good sex can be." Said Francis while giving me a flirtatious wink. My face turned bright red. "Oh don't patronise her frog." Quipped a voice on the table next to us. We looked to see Arthur with a book. I waved and he nodded at me. "Listening on conversations now Arthur?" Said Francis grinning. Arthur rolled his eyes. "Of course not. I just happen to hear what you were talking about while I was reading since you're so loud." Sighed Arthur. "Oh I can be loud." Suggested Francis. Gilbert snickered as I blushed. Arthur grimaced at the comment. "Don't say such things frog." Said Arthur. "I bet you've said even dirtier things with Alfred in your one on one time." Snickered Gilbert. Arthur's face went beet red. "L-like hell! A gentlemen wouldn't ever say such things!" Exclaimed Arthur before he quickly composed himself. "Sup dudes!" Alfred sat down on the other side of the able with Arthur. "Whatcha talkin' about?" Asked Alfred. "Sex and how we think Arthur says real filthy things during it with you." Said Antonio. "Oh yeah! Iggy is super loud and says a whole lot of dirty stuff during sex! Like-" Said Alfred before I cut him off. "Okay! This Virgin Mary does not want to here what happens behind closed doors!" I exclaimed, putting my hands up in surrender. My face was on fire. "Wait you're a virgin? I thought you and Francis did it all the time." Confessed Alfred. "WHAT?!" I screeched. "What is going on here, if I may ask?" Asked Kiku who sat down next to Alfred. "Yeah! I wanna know too!" Exclaimed Feliciano as he sat down with him while Ludwig sat opposite him. "I am too, interested." Said Ludwig. "Yo! Did you know (Y/n) is a virgin?" Said Alfred to them. "Wait what? She is?" Asked Japan. "I thought her and Francis..." Trailed Germany. "Me too!" Said Feliciano. "Who's a virgin?" Asked Yao as he sat down with them. "Someone's a virgin?" Asked Ivan who sat with Yao. "Which Idiota is a virgin?" Asked Lovino who sat down next to Antonio. "(Y/n)!" Said Gilbert. "Wait she is?" Said Matthew who sat next to Gilbert. "Yeah bro! She is!" Said Alfred. "But I though she and Francis had..." Said Yao. "Me too." Said Ivan. "Wait (Y/n) and the French idiot aren't together?" Said Lovino.

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