[Fluff] A Gorgeous German Girl ~ Germany X Reader

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Note: Nyotalia! Yay! Also Human Au.

[Warning: Minor swearing and mention of PTSD]

(Y/n)'s POV
I walked with Felicia to some destination that I had no idea of. "Feli!! Are we there yet???" I asked. "Not yet! We're close though!" Exclaimed Felicia. I groaned. I wanted to go hoooome! "She won't even like me Feli! By the description you gave me of her, she's probably a total hottie who wouldn't even be attracted to me! I'm probably not even close to her type!" I exclaimed. "Oh shush! You are attractive. Don't say you aren't! You were the one whining you're single and everything last week!" Exclaimed Felicia. Okay. So I had been complaining last week that everyone in my home town was straight and I was the only lesbian, so in turn Felicia took it upon herself to pull me out on a road trip from Italy to Germany to fucking hook me up with one of her friends. All I knew was her name and that she was a fit German. Curse her for knowing my weakness to a German accent and fit girls. "B-but what if she thinks I'm weird? A enby* lesbian who likes to fuck with people's heads with my gender isn't something you hear of daily!" I exclaimed. She rolled her eyes. "I told you! It'll be fine! Don't worry!" I sighed. "Okay..."

I walked with Felicia as we headed to a café. I fidgeted and looked about. My eyes landed on a blonde short haired woman who wore a camouflage military jacket over a black tank top and cargo pants. Dog tags hung from her neck. "Felicia... Is that her?" I asked quietly. Felicia followed my line of vision and giggled. "Sì. That's Monika." Said Felicia. "Can I faint? I think I'm gonna faint." I muttered. "Don't faint on me now. You still gotta meet her." Laughed Felicia. I made a noise of nervousness at the back of my throat as my face flushed a pink hue. Oh god. I knew Monika was hot from the description Felicia gave me but I didn't know she was gonna be this-! Monika turned and our eyes locked. She blinked before noticing Felicia. Her neutral expression dropped to an annoyed one. "Felicia! You told me we'd meet at twelve midday! It's half past twelve!" Exclaimed Monika. Aaaaaah! Her accent! I could melt on the spot. Wait- "Felicia! You told me we were going to be early!" I exclaimed at Felicia. "Whoops. I must've lost track of time!" Said Felicia shrugging her shoulders. Me and Monika sighed at her. "Well never mind! We're all here now! Monika, this is my friend (Y/n) that I told you about." Said Felicia winking at Monika. Monika's face flushed a soft pink as she sent a glare at the Italian. She turned me and held out her hand. "It is nice to meet you." Greeted Monika. I took her hand shyly. "The pleasure's all mine." I said as I shook her hand. She nodded. Felicia giggled. "You're both so formal!" Teased Felicia. Monika sighed. "Felicia..." Muttered Monika. Felicia rolled her eyes in amusement.

"Now let's get something to eat! I'm hungry!" Exclaimed Felicia, taking our hands and pulling us into the café. I yelped in surprise as I tripped over my own feet from the pull. I felt two hands grab my arms. I held onto the arms connected to my saviour and they steadied my balance. I went to thank my saviour as I let go of them. "Thank you-!" I looked up to see that it had been Monika who had saved me from my fall. My face flushed red. Oh god! Her blue eyes pierced at mine. I gulped as my heart raced. "It is no problem." Said Monika. She tuned and went to follow Felicia. She stopped and looked at me. "Are you coming Frau?" Asked Monika. That's it. She spoke freaking German. Her accent has finally done it. I'm crushing on her so badly. I nodded and followed after her.

Curse my attraction to a German accent.

Time Skip
A few months passed and I was so far down the rabbit hole. Monika and I became quick friends to my delight (and Felicia's). I found out she had served in the army when she was 18 and was honourably discharged at 25 after serving for 7 years. I wondered why she was discharged but I didn't pry into it. She seemed oddly touchy about it.

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