[Fluff] Summerset Similarities {Part 1/2} ~ South Italy X Reader

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Note: You're the younger sister of Spain. You're the same age as Romano.

[Warning: Mature Language]

{It's Romano. What'd you expect?}

(Y/n)'s POV
Fuck life.

I trudged through the town. I was supposed to be heading to my brother's but I went the wrong way. Deliberately. It's not like I hated my brother it was just... I huffed, putting my little hands in the pockets of my coat. Little hands for a young nation. He's gonna replace me. I know it. We don't exactly get along with our clashing personalities. He was cheerful and social while I was quiet and hated to interact with people. We get into some arguments from time to time but because he is so cheerful, it usually is avoided. I mean... My land couldn't even grow the one thing he absolutely loved. It's obvious he's going to find some territory that can grow the crops he loves and replace me. I looked at the necklace I wore. He had given me it so when I was away at my place, I would be able to have him close. I sighed and turned a corner, heading to his house. No point in avoiding him. I was on his land and he knows it better than I do so there's no point.

Soon I found myself simply opening his door and letting myself in. Unlocked as usual. Idiot. I walked into his living room to see him checking the time. "Sorry I'm late. I took a detour." I muttered. He turned around and his worried face melted into relief. "Hermanita! You had me worried!" Exclaimed Spain. I sighed. "No need to worry I guess. I'm here now." I sighed. "Ah! But I was so worried! You said you were going to be here at midday! It's almost sunset!" Exclaimed Spain. I shrugged. "Don't care." I hissed. "Ah But Itain!-" "Don't 'But Itain' me. I don't care. I'm here now, you happy?!" I hissed. "Ah you're rather grumpy today. What's wrong?" Asked Spain. "Nothing! Just leave me alone. I didn't want to come here anyway so you better be grateful." I growled. Spain frowned. "But Hermanita-" "Shut up!" I hissed. Spain sighed. "Itain. Are you going to let me even speak?" He asked. "I don't have control over your voice." I hissed. He sighed, weaving a hand through his brown locks. "Itain. I was worried that you hadn't shown up.-" "Tch. Worried? What's the point?" I commented. "It's not like you care anyway..." I mumbled. "What was that?" He asked. "I said it's not like you care anyway." I hissed. "Excuse me young lady but I do. You are my little sister! Of course I'm worried about you!" Exclaimed Spain, his voice going up an octave. I repressed the flinch. "About what?! I'm a useless stupid nation! I don't see any fucking valid reason to care!" I yelled. "Hermanita! I do care! You're my little sister!" Exclaimed Spain, his voice going louder. "So?! You're gonna just abandon me like all the other nations do! You're gonna replace me!" I yelled. Spain sighed irritated, his eyes closed as he tried to stay calm. "Maybe I will..." Muttered Spain annoyed. I stood frozen. He admitted it... He opened his eyes to see the pain stricken face of mine. His eyes widened. "Wait! No! I didn't mean that! I'm just.. Annoyed." He reasoned. "Jerk face? Spain? What's going on?" Asked a voice. We both turned to see a boy my age, obviously a nation. He had a curl in his hair and wore some sort of dress with trousers underneath. My heart shattered. Tears fell before I even knew it. "I knew it..." I muttered. I turned to Spain, horror shown on my face that my nightmare had came true. "I KNEW IT! You replaced me! I always knew this was going to happen!" I yelled. "Wait! No you've got it wrong-" "You've replaced me!" I screamed. I took the necklace off. "Here! Take your stupid necklace! It's not like you care! I hate you!" I yelled as I threw the necklace at him and ran out the house. "(Y/N)!!!!" Yelled Spain.

I ran off, through the town and into the forest. I was too fast for Spain.

Romano's POV
I looked at the scene stunned. Who was she? Why did she say she was 'replaced'? Why was she and Spain arguing? I needed answers. I was going to get them. Spain had hurriedly came back in from running after her and went to the phone. "Belgium!... Itain's ran off!... We were arguing and now she thinks I've replaced her!... I... Sí. I did but I wasn't thinking straight.... Please just help me. I have no idea where she's went off to. I couldn't catch up to her since she's too fast... Sí! Gracias!" Said Spain over the phone before he hung up. "Oi! What's going on? Who was she?" I asked. Spain sighed and knelt down, picking up the necklace she had thrown. "Y'know how I said there was going to be a visitor coming over?" He said. I nodded. "Well that was her. She's my little sister. Her name's Itain. She usually stays at her own place with her boss but since her new boss is my boss and I have control over her land again, she has to come live with me again." Explained Spain. "And let me guess Jerk face. You and her were arguing and you said some things and that's why she ran off." I stated. He nodded. "We were arguing which is not too uncommon unfortunately because she hates me. She was saying that I was going to replace her... I said Maybe I will... And Now I think since she saw you, she thinks I have replaced her." Spain, putting his head in his hands. What the hell?! You should never say that! Even I wouldn't say that to Veneziano. "You fucking idiota! No wonder she thinks that! And why do you think she hates you?! She was crying when she ran off! You don't cry about someone you hate you fucking stupid butt face!" I yelled. "You're right Roma... I am an idiot..." Said Spain quietly. He looked as if he was going to cry. I sighed. That's it. I'm fucking fixing this. I huffed and headed for the door. "Romano?" I looked at Spain disinterested. "Get your sorry behind up. If you care, go and look for her. I'm going to find her and fucking fix this. You being all quiet is fucking annoying." I said before I left to find her.

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