[Fluff] Pregnant?! ~ Canada X Reader

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Notes: Nyotalia Canada! Also Human Au.

[Warning: Mature Language and Implied Smut]

(Y/n)'s POV
I lay cuddled up to my beautiful wife as the sun was beginning to peak through the curtains. I cringed at the light hitting my closed eyes and hid my face in my wife's neck. I heard her giggle softly as she threaded her fingers through my hair. I smiled and sighed happily. "Good morning." Said Madeline softly. I opened my eyes and looked up at her. "Good Morning my wife." I said, still loving how the words sound. She blushed but smiled. "Don't stop petting." I whined pouting as her hand stopped petting my hair. She giggled and continued. I hummed and smiled. "What do we have today?" I asked still tired slightly. "Doctor's appointment." She said. I could see the excitement in her eyes. I was just as excited. "Can't wait." I said softly. "Me too. Let's hope we can find someone who looks like me." She said, a hint of disappointment and nervousness in her voice. "I hope so too Maddie." I said.

Something jumped on the bed and a furry body curled in between us. We smiled at little Kumarie curled up between us. She meowed softly. Madeline and I shifted so we could sit up and I took the white cat in my arms. Madeline quietly wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her so her head was resting on my shoulder. I smiled and kissed Madeline's cheek as I petted Kumarie. The Canadian girl blushed again. "I love you." I said softly in her ear. Her blush darkened. "I love you too." Said Madeline flustered. Kumarie meowed in annoyance as I stopped petting her. I chuckled as I continued. "I'm going to make breakfast." Said Madeline softly as she started to pull away. Kumarie perked up at the word and jumped out of my arms before running off. We chuckled and Madeline kissed my forehead before running off herself as she grabbed her glasses to wear.

I sighed happily and got up, soon following them.

I got to the kitchen to see Madeline humming as she cooked what I assumed were pancakes. I smiled. She always cooked pancakes when she was happy. I walked up to my wife and wrapped my arms around her waist. She squeaked as her glasses fogged up slightly. I chuckled and kissed her temple. She blushed and focused back on the pancakes, our morning being peaceful and sweet like usual.

Time Skip
I held Madeline's hand as we walked into the doctor's office. "Ah Mrs and Mrs Williams. Please have a seat." Said the doctor. We sat down as the doctor began to bring up our health records. "It says you're both looking about your options for starting a family, am I correct?" Asked the doctor. We nodded. "I see, do you two have an idea of who will hopefully be carrying?" Asked the doctor. "I will. Madeline is fertile like me but is unable to carry because of medical reasons." I said, squeezing her hand comfortingly. She had always wanted to carry a child and be pregnant but couldn't. "I see. Well I will have to run a few quick blood tests to check your health."

The doctor did the tests and as I thought and hoped, I was healthy enough. "Here's our book of sperm donors. You can have a look to see who you'd like, or go for an anonymous donor." Said the doctor. "We'll have a look. We're hoping to find someone who looks like Madeline." I said. Madeline nodded. "I see. Well why don't you have a look while I go see another patient. I'll be back soon."

The doctor walked off and I opened the book. Silently we looked about before I froze seeing a familiar face. Madeline was currently reading a pamphlet about pregnancy. "Maddie, did your friend Matthew ever tell you about being any sort of donor? You know Matthew, the guy who's kinda like your male twin?" I asked quietly. "Um I think he said he was a blood donor. Why?" She asked. "Because he's in this book!" I whispered. "Oh my god, is he really?" Squeaked Madeline as she headed next to me to see. "Maple." Squeaked Madeline. "So I know who the donor is gonna be." I said clearing my throat awkwardly. "No! That'd be weird!" Exclaimed Madeline softly. "Maddie! He is like your twin! He's exactly like you! It would be like our baby had both our genes!" I exclaimed. Madeline was quietly as she thought. "Y-you're right..." She whispered as she pictured it. She blushed. "You said our baby." She mumbled flustered. I blushed. "Well I'm right, we're having a family." I teased. Her blush darkened and she smiled. "Yeah..."

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