[Fluff] Drunken Confessions ~ North Italy X Reader

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Note: You are fluent in Italian by the way.

[Warning: Mature Language, Implied Sex and Drunkenness]

(Y/n)'s POV
I groaned as pain pounded my head. I was sprawled across the bed. "Damn what happened last night?" I groaned to myself. "No idea- holy pasta." My eyes shot open as I sat up carefully to see Italy from across the room staring at me. I blinked in surprise to look at myself which sat on the bed, with only underwear on. Just a bra and panties. I quickly covered myself with my hands. "I-Italy! W-what happened last night?" I squeaked. "Um I think Prussia, Denmark and America started a big party last night, invited all the nations which annoyed Germany and it got really out of hand. We got pretty drunk as did everyone else. That's all I really remember." Said Italy. "O-okay." I squeaked. "Do you know where my clothes are?" Italy shook his head. "No sorry. But you're a Bellazza! Ooh! Can I paint you! Please please please!" Exclaimed Italy getting that look in his eyes when ever he made pasta or did something artistic. My face flushed. "What no! This is embarrassing! I have no recollection of last night so I have no idea why I am like this!" I exclaimed. "Aw please? You'd make a fantastic model!" Exclaimed Italy. I sighed as I ignored the growing blush on my cheeks. "Look. If you help me find my clothes and find out what happened last night, then I'll do it. But only if you make sure no one sees me!" I exclaimed. He nodded. "Sì! Sì! Of course!" He ran off in search of clothes for me. I sighed.

I looked around. I seemed to be in a untouched bedroom. By untouched I mean, the huge party hadn't of affected this place. Italy came back in. "I found them!" Exclaimed Italy as he handed me my clothes. "Thank you. Now turn around please." I said. He nodded and turned around. I started getting change. "Where'd you find them?" I asked. "Oh I found them in the kitchen on the counter." Said Italy. "That's strange. Oh god please tell me I didn't do anything weird being drunk." I said. "I don't know Bella. I can't remember much either." Said Italy. "Okay. Well It's safe now Italy. I'm clothed." I said. He turned around and smiled. "Now off we go to find out what happened!" Exclaimed Italy. "Yeah." I asked.

We left the bedroom and I stared in shock when I saw Denmark, Prussia and America passed out over the couches. "What happened to everyone?" I asked. "I think everyone has went home." Said Italy. I nodded. I walked over to the coffee table where there was a horn. "Italy, cover your ears." I warned as I picked it up and went over to the trio. Italy covered his ears and I covered one of my ears and made sure the horn was as far from me possible.

We winced as I made the horn beep. The boys screeched and fell off the couches into a big heap. "Rise and Shine!" I sang sickly sweet. The three groaned as they got up. "Man. You had to wake us up like that." Groaned Denamrk. "Not to mention we all have huge hangovers." Groaned Prussia. "That was just cruel Dude." Groaned America. "Don't care. Do any of you three have any sort of recollection of last night?" I asked. "Yeah. Of course. Alcohol doesn't stop me from remembering an Awesome night!" Exclaimed Prussia. "Shut the fuck up man and for the question, we all do I'm pretty sure." Grunted Denmark. "Ah whoops. Sorry." Said Prussia sheepishly. "Well. What happened? I can't remember and neither can Italy." I said. The three thought for a moment.

"Oh Russia and you had a drinking contest. You lost and was drunk as hell. Italy and an already drunk Romano started a drinking contest as well. Italy won since Romano was already drunk but ended up getting really out of it." Said Denmark. "I can almost remember that..." Said Italy. I nodded.

"Oh yeah! Then, England and You got into an argument of who was better looking so you stripped to your underwear to prove it. That's all I know." Said Prussia. I blushed. "Of course my drunk self would do that." I groaned.

"Yo you were smoking hot dude! And the way at how you gave Italy a lap dance! Duuuuude!" Exclaimed America. My face went red. "I-I did what?!" "Yeah! Prussia and you were soooo drunk and Prussia dared you couldn't give Italy a lap dance so you obviously did. I can't quite remember what happened after that." Said America. I gaped at him. "Oh! I can fill in the other blanks Itain-san!" Exclaimed Japan who had came into the room. "Japan?!" Exclaimed Italy and I. Though Italy looked nervous.

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