[Fluff] Birthday/April Fools Special! ~ Hetalia X Reader

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Note: I accidentally posted this late. Sorry. But Enjoy though!

[Warning: Just swearing.]

(Y/n)'s POV
April the First.
April Fools Day.

The Bain of my fucking existence.

I hated April Fools Day.


Because it's my birthday.

Ha. My life's a joke.

Time Skip
I groaned as I awoke. I checked my clock and looked at the calendar. I sighed. "Happy Birthday." I muttered. My birthday wasn't one to celebrate. Why celebrate when you'd be the only celebrating while every one forgot and pranked each other.

I sighed and got up from my bed and went to my bathroom and did my daily routine.

My daily routine didn't even last to 8:30am.


Time Skip
I huffed as I walked into the conference room with newly dyed raspberry red hair to get my face stuck in plastic. I shouted out in shock and I heard snickers from a certain nations. I got out of the mess and huffed. I headed to my designated seat for the meeting and placed my bag down and threw my jacket on my chair. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see a scary clown face. I screeched as I back up to the table in fear. I heard the person behind the mask burst into laughter and I narrowed my eyes at them. I ripped the mask of the nation to find America. "Screw you fat ass." I hissed. He continued to laugh and I rolled my eyes. I sat down in my seat for a whoopee cushion to let out the obvious noise. My face flushed red as I pulled it out from under me as several nations snickered and laughed. I huffed as I closed my eyes to calm down. "You alright Itain-san?" Asked Japan sitting next to me. "I'm fine Japan. I just hate this day. You do know what today is?" I asked. Maybe he'll remember it's my- "April Fools Day. April the first. Is there anything else?" Said Japan. I sighed. "No nothing else. April Fools Day is all. Good luck surviving. Keep your eyes open." I said. Japan nodded. "I will. Same goes to you." I nodded and the meeting soon started.

Time Skip
I had my head down as I tried to stay calm. It was lunch now. I had asked those I'd thought would remember but no one did. I even asked Canada! He simply shook his head saying sorry if he forgot anything else. I had let him off.

I sighed. I shifted and my hand bumped something. I lifted my head to see a gigantic tarantula. I screeched as I jumped away from it. "AUSTRALIA GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME- GUUUYS NOT AGAIN!!!" I screeched. I heard my fellow nations laugh again. "WHO WAS IT THIS TIME?!" I screeched angrily. "It was actually me mate." Snickered Australia. I grumbled and picked the toy up and threw it at him. "Well then have it back!"

I slumped in my seat as I huffed. I went down to my bag to grab my lunch that I had prepare only to find it wasn't there. "Guuuuuys!! Very funny! Give me my lunch back!" I yelled as I got up. Sealand came over. "I've got your lunch Miss Itain. I took it off them." Said Sealand. I sighed and cracked a tired smile as I knelt down to his height. "Thanks Sealand-" I was cut off with him slamming a cream pie into my face. "April Fools!" He giggled before giving me my lunch and running off. I heard my fellow nations cheer and high five him. I walked back to my seat and grabbed tissues out my back to clean my face off. Thankfully nothing got into my hair. I dumped the tissues in the bin roughly as I huffed. I went back to my seat and had my lunch.

I put away my empty lunch box in my bag and looked up to see France. "Oh uh hello France." I greeted warily. "Ah Bonjour, Mon amie! I've got to show you something I got!" Exclaimed France. He pulled out a small box from behind him. It was elegant and seemingly old. "Oh wow. It looks- Aaaaaah!" Suddenly a clown popped up from it. "France!" I exclaimed at the snickering nation. "Sorry Mon amie. I could not resist!" Exclaimed Francis before he ran off. I huffed as anger bubbled up in me.

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