[Fluff] Dancing Compassion ~ Spain X Reader

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[Warning: Slight Mature Language and Implied Smut.]

(Y/n)'s POV
I sighed as I walked to the conference room. Meetings were boring and I wished we didn't have to have them.

I placed my things into the table where I was meant to sit. I sighed and ran my hand through my messy hair. I tried to pull it back into a bun but I kept failing. "Why won't you cooperate hair?" I muttered. I went to try again when I felt two hands cover mine. I froze up, the person took the hair tie and gently tied my hair back into a bun for me. "There you go Hermosa." Said the person. I felt the person pull me into their arms and lay their head on my shoulder. I looked to my side to find the face of a smiling Spain. I instantly relaxed. Thank god it wasn't it either France or Prussia. They would have tried something. "Hey Spain." I said. He smiled. "Where'd you learn to tie hair like that?" I asked. "Believe it or not, I used to help France with his hair and I used to have long hair during my Pirate ages. You kinda have to learn." Said Spain. I blushed. I had been friends with Spain for centuries. I hadn't ever seen him with his hair up in a bun but I do remember his Pirate ages quite vividly. He was so fierce and handsome back then... He still is handsome now. "I see. Where's the others?" I asked. And by others, I meant the rest of the BTT. "They better not be trying to prank anyone..." I muttered. Spain laughed. "Nah. I don't know where they are. France is probably with England and Prussia with either Germany or Canada." Said Spain, flashing me and bright smile. I blushed and nodded.

"Hey Itain?" Said Spain. "Yeah?" I said. "I was wondering if you wanted to come out with me and the boys tonight. They're bringing someone with them and we set up a competition at who could dance better so France made it into paired dancing. I was wondering if you could my dance partner? I mean we've already danced before and you know Latin dance too so...." Asked Spain. I blushed. I remembered that. It had been when our nations had United and Our people were celebrating and a common culture celebration for both of us was dance. We had to dance together as our people cheered and clapped. It was a good memory.

Being United was embarrassing. It was kinda like an arranged marriage in our sense. We stayed friends though. Our relationship became slightly closer. Casual kissing as we said hello and sleeping in the same bed. We even called each other by our Human names. Yet we never went across the line of friendship. It stayed strictly platonic. All our fellow nations thought we were dating. Yet we told them again and again, our relationship was platonic. Every time our lips touched, I could see France crying in despair. It frustrated him so much. Very amusing. We had stayed United until our leaders got into a disagreement and we were separated. I never saw him for several years. When I was allowed to see him again, I cried as my best friend hugged me. Yet, even though I kept telling everyone, I had fallen for the Spaniard. I had loved him for the longest time. Before we United and before his pirate ages.

"Yeah sure. I'll be your partner." I said. He grinned. "Thank you! I'll pick you up at say... 7 o'clock?" Said Spain as he squeezed my body in a hug. I smiled and nodded. "What should we dance?" I asked. "Oh! I was thinking we could do our dance we did when we were United!" Said Spain excitedly. I smiled. "Alright then. That's what we'll do." I said. "Oh, what do my eyes see here? A couple embracing?" Said a voice. We turned to see France and Prussia. "France. It's called hugging a friend, platonically. Maybe you should learn about it." I retorted. The two smirked. "Frau. That did not look like a friend hugging a friend. It looked like a man hugging his female lover, from behind." Said Prussia. Spain laughed. "Guys, I've told you. We're just friends." Said Spain. "Oui. But you also told us that if allowed, you would date her." Said France. My face went red. H-he said what?! "Well, I can't deny that. Who wouldn't? Itain has an amazing personality and is a beautiful woman with so many strengths. I know this for a fact. Being United has its perks." Said Spain nonchalantly. My blush darkened in colour. No way... He thinks this of me?! "I... I got to go. It's getting a bit warm here. I'll be back." I squeaked before running off.

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